22 schools contest hockey Sevens | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

22 schools contest hockey Sevens

9 April, 2023

Nilupul de Silva (left) General Manager-Marketing of Ritzbury presents a sponsorship to Lalith Karunadasa the president of the Matale Old Thomians Hockey Association in connection with the Schools Hockey Sevens to be held on April 9 at the Peradeniya University Ground

Matale Old Thomian Hockey Association (MOTHA) has organized a schools hockey Sevens tournament for the third consecutive year to be held at the Peradeniya University ground on April 9.

Over 220 players representing 22 of the best performing schools at district level will compete in the tournament for the A.J. Wijesinghe Memorial Challenge Trophy. As hockey is a popular sport in Sri Lanka with high spectator engagement the tournament is certain to produce much excitement this year as well according to the organizers. (TBR)

