Little more than a thousand years ago when Europe was in darkness, the Arab traders, who dominated the Indian Ocean were the only link between the East and the West.
During these perilous journeys, the enterprising Arab seafarers used to visit Sri Lanka during the monsoon season, take orders for goods and return once again a year later during monsoon.
However, a year later, when the prices of goods they brought increased, the Arabs delivered their goods at the prices agreed.
When the people asked about the cheap rates of the goods, the Arab traders said, “We are Muslims and follow the religion of Islam. According to Islam, a Muslim can’t change his words or the agreed price”.
People conveyed this information to the king who asked them to bring the Arabs traders to him. The traders were taken to the king and they explained what Islam is about. On hearing this, the king told them to settle down in the island which they did when they visited the country during the following monsoon season.
That was the beginning of the settlement of Muslims in the island. With them came Islam.
Muslims worldwide believe that when Prophet Adam was sent down to earth, he descended on the Adam’s Peak. This is the reason why Adam’s Peak and Sri Lanka have special attachment to Muslims all over.
This is the reason why famous Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta who visited the island in 1344 made it a point to visit Adam’s Peak. Since them saints and Muslim scholars followed by tariqas appeared and flourished in the island.
Though there were records of major events in the history of Muslims and their close ties with the Sinhalese community in general and the Sinhalese kings in particular, these records disappeared over the years as they were not preserved. Even today, the community as a whole does not show much interest in preserving records of events for the benefit of the future generation.
Only the Moors Islamic Cultural Home (MICH) founded by the late Muslim leader Sir Razik Fareed, has preserved the history of Muslims in the island covering the past century.
It was in this regard one needs to appreciate the initiative taken and efforts made to do extensive research to produce a book by Dr. M Fahmy Ismail on the Shadhiliya Tariqa titled “A Compendium of Information on the Shadhiliya Tariqa-Sri Lanka”.
According to the author, Dr Fahmy Ismail, “The book is a direct compilation of the requisite information by scholars and ulemas, from articles appeared in books and journals, websites and from electronic and other sources. This is the reason why same words are spelt differently in the articles in the book. I hope the information will be useful, particularly to the young followers of the Shadhiliyya Tariqa.”
He hopes that the other Tariqas in Sri Lanka would introduce books in English about their Tariqas. This will no doubt be appreciated by the Muslim community. Ithihaad Ahlussunnah had informed him that they are willing to support such projects.
Prof. Dheen Mohamed said that the book has been carefully written relying on original and authentic sources. Prior to writing and during writing, the author consulted many classical works on Tasawwuf.
“It is my desire to see this book translated into Tamil and Sinhala languages for the benefit of Murīdūn and others not conversant in English. I also wish to see an extended second edition, which will introduce what the author initially desired to have included in it,”he added.
While expressing gratitude to Dr Fahmy for presenting this much needed monograph on Tariqa Shadhiliyya al-Fasiyya, Prof Dheen Mohamed prayed to Allah to bless him and his work and that he may continue to produce many more similar works for the benefit of Sri Lankan Muslims.
Born in Galle and brought up in a traditionally religious atmosphere, Dr Fahmy Ismail realised that very little literature was available in English on this subject and that too difficult to trace. It was then that he thought of compiling the information into a book for the convenience of readers.
When he discussed this matter with few of his relatives and friends, he was encouraged to do so as they too felt it was a need. Thus he had the support of his family, guidance of Prof. Dheen Mohamed of Hamad bin Khalifa University Doha-Qatar, a few leading Sri Lankan Moulavis and on top of all his firm determination to undertake the time consuming and painstaking task of doing research.
The result is the book, “A Compendium of Information on the Shadhiliya Tariqa-Sri Lanka” which is a lasting contribution to the community by Dr Fahmy Ismail.