Mesotherapy is an innovative method used in modern Aesthetic Clinics where certain ingredients are injected into the skin, especially on the face area. Some explain this as a French rejuvenation technique. As there is no downtime at all, most undergo this treatment as a lunch time procedure in-between their busy schedules. Mesotherapy is used for all skin types and it is a simple and comfortable treatment procedure.
When we talk about successful treatments for skin aging, facial mesotherapy is one of the leading options. Continuous sun exposure, air pollution, bad lifestyle habits and work or home related stress may aggravate skin aging which can be reversed with mesotherapy.
Also, the fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, dull skin can be treated with specific cocktail nutrients used with mesotherapy. Researchers have found that mesotherapy may help to improve sluggish blood circulation and flush out aging toxins.
Mesotherapy treatment should be carefully administered by a trained and experienced medical doctor, after discussing the goals and concerns with the patient following a proper medical history and examination.
It is also advisable to go through the skin routine of the patient before specific ingredients are chosen. After applying a local anaesthetic (numbing cream), a fine needle with a syringe may be used to inject the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or any other medical grade ingredient into multiple sites of the face.
This procedure will take less than an hour. Following the treatment, there can be a slight bruising which is normal and will disappear within a day.
Slight pain may be felt at some site which will subsite within a couple of minutes. In certain advanced clinics meso-pens or no needle meso-beauty machines are used on people who are really scared of needles.
Normally four to six weekly treatment cycles may be used with six to 12 months intervals to obtain best results.
Facial mesotherapy improves skin hydration, skin rejuvenation, tightening and protects the facial skin restructuring. It improves skin radiance and gives an instant ‘glow’ to the face which is even visible with a single treatment.