The Z Club of Colombo is a youth-run, non- profit organisation that promotes the empowerment of women and children and conduct projects, such as the Power Masks Project. The club is guided by the Zonta Club ll of Colombo under the mentorship of ZontianManthri and her colleagues.
Three board members of the club: Tasneem, InsiyaLukmanjee and Seravi Harris were part of a program to distribute goods among those in need during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Z Clubhas implemented projects to help communities to recover from the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown situation.
The club has around 40 members, who are exploring the possibility of giving back to communities and one of the projects is the “Power Mask” making masks with women who were employed in the garment industry. The board members expressed their views on the project.
Q: What inspired the idea of “Power Mask?
A: During the Covid-19, the Z Club of Colombo team travelled to many parts of the country, helping needy families. We came across a woman who was wearing a unique mask. She had sewn it on her own. Based on that experience, we decided to create the “Power Mask” Project, with creative ideas.
Q: How many families have you helped through the project?
A:Initially, we made around 500 masks with the help of some women who were making them at home, due Covid-19.We are producing more as the number of women who helps the project is growing. We are planning to get more sewing machines with the money we make at Z Club Colombo.
Q: How did you meet these workers?
A: The woman we met first had lost her job, as many like her were being laid off and later we saw her talent and efficiency and thought why not do these masks and sale it. She told us about other women who have faced a similar situation.
We met her when we visited an orphanage in Divulapitya, Negombo. Through her, we met many women who are a huge inspiration to us in promoting the Z Club’s ideas on sustainability and recycling, as well as a way to give back to those who need it.
Q: Will there be other protective gear as well?
A: We are making only masks as we have orders, and we are doing some free distributions too for those who can’t afford to buy masks. The mask is for everyone, and that's what we want to do.
Q: Who initiated the project?
A: The Z Club, Colombo is trying to find ways to uplift society. We are grateful for all we have, emphasise the importance of giving back. Our leaders from the club have taught this to us.
We want to work with communities like these. Their attitude and lookout to life amaze us.
Q: How many youths are involved in the project?
A: Initially, it was Tasneem and Insiya and our President of the Club joined us later (Seravi Harris). We didn’t want more members to get involved with the physical part of the project due to safety precautions and curfew.
Seeing our work over the months, we eased the project to online forums of our club and spread the word of the project through social media, bringing awareness to the women who are creating the masks and encouraging them to purchase their packs of masks to support our country and people who aren’t as fortunate as us to be able to live comfortably. We plan to expand the project across the country, and give back to communities who need the most.
We have worked out a plan to earn an income to support various causes.