Business Opportunities
NeedLadies /Gents who wish to join a business /company. High payments daily /weekly /monthly. 0725459395.
Domestic Aides Services
AAAAAAIsha Agencies for Housemaids,Nannies,female Attendants and Cooks. Get them down from us with 25 years experience. Govt registered. Sampath,Dehiwala Road,Boralesgamuwa. 0778837387.
Ablereliable Drivers Dailymaids Staymaids Cooks Gardeners Attendants available. Supershine Service,Boralesgamuwa. 0777473694,0775822976.
Wehave 20 years experience in Manpower Agency. We can provide experienced hardworking Housemaids,Cleaners,Babysitters,male/female Attendants,male/female Cooks,all routes experienced Drivers,Gardeners,Couples,Watchers,Daily Comers (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) All are one year warranty with four (04) replacements,reasonable charge. Government authorized registered company. Lucky Agency,No. 20 1/1,Galle Road,Dehiwala. 011-4551800 /0778144404,Mrs Shany - 0117522944 /0770840192.
15years experience in Job Recruitment Agency. Have experienced hardworking Housemaids,Cleaners,Babysitters,male/female Attendants,male/female Cooks,all routes experienced Drivers,Gardeners,Couples,Watchers,Daily Comers (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). All are one year warranty with four (04) replacements reasonable charge. Government authorized registered company. R & R Domestic Recruitment Agency. 0117650055 /0771555483 /0759997555.
Positions Vacant Marketing
WantedSales Assistant girl or boy Jewellery Shop in Colombo. Call 077362163.
Positions Vacant Clerical / Secretarial
Amale typist with a good knowledge of English is required for a firm in Colombo. Computer knowledge is an added qualification. Salary negotiable. Phone 077-6614292.
PrivateSecretary (Executive Admin) for a US based E Commerce Company located at Athurugiriya degree holders are preferred. Ideal age 25 - 45 with good English and computer knowledge salary 50 - 65 k depending on education and experience. Working hours M - Sat. 8 - 5 p.m. year end bonus available. WhatsApp CV to : 0760059065.
Positions Vacant Educational
Arabicteacher good in English wanted urgently for grades 1-10,for further information please contact +94 77 3067450.
Positions Vacant Domestic
BabySitter - Young couple living in an apartment in Rajagiriya urgently looking for a Baby Sitter to look after a two year old girl with experience,English speaking and past references. 6 hours a day. Live in can be considered. Salary over Rs. 35,000/- depending on experience. Please call for details/interview on 0717288097.
Positions Vacant Hotel & Bakery
HawaiRestaurant - Battaramulla. We are looking for well experienced North Indian,South Indian Chefs (Indian Dishes) and wellknown other cooking dishes. Salary - LKR 150,000 - 200,000 (Negotiable). For further details - 0773658648 /0755618441.
Hotelvacancies in Kithulgala,Manager with Ayurveda resort experience,Ayurvedic doctor with German language knowledge. Please reply with recently taken photograph. info@aramya.lk0773156302.
Immediatevacancies in Tourist Hotel in Kandy. Receptionist (age 18-40 English with good computer knowledge). Cleaners,Room Boys,Cook (age 20-45). Please come with certificates for walk-in interview before 15th July. No. 32 A,Saranankara Road,Kandy. Contact: 0773123135.
TouristBoard approved restaurant needs well experienced waiters & barmen,salary Rs. 50,000/=. Further details - 0773658648.
Vacancyfor Guest Operations Staff,for a 3 bedroom Villa in Kalugamuwa,Peradeniya. Male,a trained cook with hotel/restaurant experience needed. Basic English speaker. Food & accommodation provided. Salary negotiable and includes incentives per guest booking. Call 0777106867. WhatsApp CV to: +94701802178.
Positions Vacant General
Aforeign employment agency needs experienced employees,higher salary. English knowledge and computer knowledge is required. (Special around Wennappuwa). infoeuroflyholdings@gmail.com077-4523150,031-4313130.
Retiredgentleman required as a Personal Assistant of a Doctor family. English knowledge,Computer and documentation knowledge required. Driving Licence is an added advantage. Send details to WhatsApp 0771277842.
Vacancyfor answering calls. Send resume/infos to sanbalasankar@gmail.com
Wanteda male candidate who can teach & explain about the social media’s age between 35 - 55,good knowledge in English,working hours 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. for more details contact - 071 4 888 754. No. 84,Nawala Road,Nugegoda.
Wantedprofessional male Supervisor for a polythene factory with basic qualification age 25 - 50. Sent to email : akshayam@sltnet.lkTel. 2424850 during working hrs.
Positions Wanted
Accountantexperience with HR,Admin,local and gulf countries experience looking for job. Telephone : 0741 360 128.
Iam a 45 years old driver with 18 years experience. Short term/long term drivers Job is sought. 0773827176,0711121260.
Lookingfor Employment - Post: Office Assistant or Field Officer (Colombo Fort Area). Contact : 0775 770125,0776 771 888.
Tuition Available
AAL/OL6 7 8 9 Mathematics Physics Chemistry “A” assured Graduate Teacher home visited. 0723067730.
A/LAccounting and Economics English/Sinhala medium classes for 2025/2024,rapid revision for 2023 online or home visited. Classes are conducted by a Chartered Accountant BSc Accounting (first class) voice: 077-0500625.
Economics,Business Studies,Commerce,London OL/AL,Edexcel,Cambridge,IGCSE,IAL local A1 (English medium) by experienced graduate teacher. 0777-361019.
EnglishElocution and English medium Maths and Science,homes visited in Gampaha area. Rs. 2000/= per hour. Priyankara Gamage. 071-3577054.
EnglishLanguage /Literature for Cambridge /Edexcel /National syllabus by Dr Milan PhD. an experienced Teacher who taught English in English Grammar schools in England. Homes visited or online individual classes for O.L.,I.G.C.S.E.,AL,BA. 0788445577.
EnglishLiterature,Language for Cambridge Edexcel,National (O/L,A/L) by English Graduate. 23B,Anderson Road,Ratmalana. 0779604004.
Englishlanguage and literature (London /Local) for all grades primary all subjects English medium home visiting Wellawatte,Dehiwala,Mt Lavinia. 0718079947.
Englishspoken,IELTS,O/L,A/L method to become fluent for the weak. Rs. 8000/=,super knowledge,motivation /True path. 071 947 9217.
Frenchclasses for OL,AL (Local/Cambridge/Edexcel) and DELF Exams preparation for A1 and A2 levels. Conducted by a DELF B2 level qualified,FLE certified and an experienced teacher. Online,home visit or small group classes. Call 0753903531.
G.C.E.(O/L) 2023 Sinhala & History full Revision. Grade 6-10 same subjects. Experienced Graduate Teacher. Home visited. Tel. 0718152198.
IGCSEICT O/L Cambridge/Edexcel (Grade 6-O/L) classes,special paper and theory classes for 2023 students. Overseas qualified teacher. 071-7328023. 040212
LadyTeacher visits/online IELTS,Spoken English,Sinhala,Tamil & other subjects all grades. 0778135914.
MathematicsAS/A2 AL OL Cambridge Edexcel Pure Maths (P1-P4) Statistics (S1-S2) Mechanics (M1-M3) Further Maths (FP1-FP3) Additional Maths I.B. Maths by results-oriented,more than 15 years experienced BSc graduate teacher (online/visiting/groups). 0777-789976.
Mathematicsfor weak students those who want to obtain “A” passes in Cambridge /Edexcel National syllabus O/L,IGCSE,A/L. Please call Dr Milan PhD. Homes visited or online individual classes. 0788445577.
PhysicsLondon A/L,O/L revision by retired BSc teacher experienced top international schools Boralesgamuwa. 0718868526.