Academically and professionally qualified caring son sought by B/G mother from Colombo suburbs for her daughter 1983 born fair slim 5’4” tall pretty working as an Assistant Manager in a semi-government hospital and completed MSc in UK University. Reply with family details and horoscope to E-mail: proposals8353@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by an elder sister from Colombo for a younger sister,born in 1994,fair,pretty,slim and educated at a leading girls’ school in Colombo,BSc and MBA qualified and currently working online as a QA Specialist in a USA company,willing to migrate. Please reply with horoscope and full details. Email : danayadesilva@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by Buddhist Karawa parents for their daughter 1992/11 height 5’1” fair complexioned MBBS Doctor Medical registrar. Please reply with horoscope,family details and contact numbers. marriage2289@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner with sober habits sought by B/G parents for their only daughter 40/06 (82 Dec.) 5’7” BSc (IT) Chartered Marketer MBA qualified,holding a senior position in a reputed Intl. firm in USA,drawing a higher salary. Reply with H/C and family details. dsd.mp82@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner (1990-1993 born) from respectable family is sought by G/B parents in Kalutara,for their daughter 1993 born,5’6” tall,Senior Software Engineer with excellent personality. She has plans to move abroad. Please reply with the horoscope. (No Mangalic Dosa). Email: gunatilakamarriage.2020@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by G/B respectable parents for our daughter,born in 1988,educated,pretty and caring. Fluency in English preferred. Please send horoscope and family details. jayp71739@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son preferably living in Australia is sought by G/K parents residing in Dehiwala for their middle daughter residing in Melbourne. Father is working as a Manager in Qatar and the mother is a housewife. Daughter was born in 1994,slim and 5’0” in height. She holds a Master’s degree in Professional Accounting and is currently working at a well-reputed company in Australia. The proposed daughter has two sisters. Reply with family details to proposal9411@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered caring son above 37 is sought by B/G parents for their well mannered fair pretty bachelor and Masters qualified 5’5” professional daughter,hope to migrate UK for higher studies. Reply with family details & horoscope. respondsign@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered son is sought by B/G retired Government servant parents staying in Melbourne Australia,for their only daughter who is employed as a Nurse in a public hospital in Melbourne after graduating from Victoria University. She was born in 1990/4 and 5’ height. She is a citizen of Australia and living in her own house. Reply with family details and the horoscope. Australian residents preferred. marriageproposal49@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified with a permanent job,virtuous son,sought by retired teacher parents for their B/G,born in 1995,5’2”,slim and kind-heared daughter who is graduated in Software Engineering from foreign university. Currently working in a private Software Company as a Business Analyst (Software). Please come up with son’s and family details to the 95.m.proposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,caring and well mannered son sought by Buddhist parents living North America,for their professionally qualified daughter,born in April,1994 and currently working. For further information please send family details and horoscope to : sproposal38@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified in IT,unmarried daughter,born in 1975,Govi/Buddhist retired parents from Colombo suburb seek a qualified unmarried son. Prefers non-smoker,teetotaller. brideslreply@yahoo.com
Academically /professionally qualified partner sought by GB parents for their fair pretty daughter born 1994 and height 5’3”. She studied at leading school in Kandy and BSc graduated in Chemistry,reading for PhD in USA University at present. Partner living in USA or Canada will be preferred. She inherits valuable assets. Reply with horoscope. ari6987@gmail.com
Affluent parents (B/G/K) seek professionally qualified handsome son from a wealthy respectable family,below 44 yrs.,NS/TT,in Colombo suburbs,for their fair and pretty daughter,born Sept. 1984,5’6” tall,old Visakhian BSc. Graduate,with a reasonable wealth. Father Civil Engineer,has a company,mother housewife,elder brother Software Engineer. Reply with horoscope. Email : happyweds2022@gmail.com
An IT Graduate fair,pleasant looking employed in government school Colombo,B/K,5’4” born 1967 inherits house and other assets. Sister seeks an educated partner. Email: chcplbudd@gmail.com
Australia residing Sinhala Buddhist seeking suitable partner aged between 40y-45y. in marriage preferably living and working in Australia or another Western country. Reply email : samsara35@hotmail.com
A B/G respectable family seeks a suitable partner for their daughter,a Doctor by profession in the Government Sector,1974,5’6” height,good looking,divorced without any children or encumbrances. Please reply with family details and horoscope. sunris202@gmail.com
A Christian son (29-33 yrs) who’s professionally qualified,employed and family oriented with religious values from a respectable Christian family is sought by Christian parents in Colombo District for their daughter 29 yrs,5’5”,well-mannered & sociable. Educated in a Colombo Christian School,an MBA holder. Employed at an International Company. Please reply with all relevant details to: sajprop0409@gmail.com
A Kandyan,Govi,Buddhist family living in New Zealand (dual citizen) seek a well mannered,academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter born in 1997 May,5.5ft tall,slim,fair,pretty,graduated with Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and working in NZ as an Engineer. Please E-Mail : mmproposal97@gmail.comTP : 0064211396227.
A professional partner sought by retired Buddhist parents for daughter,BSc/MSc.,41,pretty,young looking,5’5”,employed in reputed Company. Divorced (innocent party,no kids). Owns/inherits assets. mproposals552@gmail.com
A we are British citizens,Sinhala Buddhist,looking for a suitable English speaking son,below 27,to our daughter,22 years,5’5”,slim & beautiful graduated,who brought up with Sri Lankans values,works in Government hospital. Please contact with a horoscope UK preferable. (priyac3@yahoo.com).
Bodu parents living in the USA seek professionally qualified well-accomplished sons living in the USA prefer and also 5’9” higher preferred. 1992 educated 5’3” pretty fair smart daughter who qualified to beauty design criteria,please reply with the details. Please contact email t2023proposal@gmail.com
Bodu parents seek well-educated overseas son for 32 years beautiful daughter holding MBA. Once registered and divorced owns house and working for a well-recognized company as a Manager. Reply with horoscope. desilvafamilyproposal@gmail.com
Boralesgamuwa Catholic 1985 September 5’4” BSc,MSc Director daughter,house owner can migrate parents seek Bodu Catholic employed educated respectable son. m.bandusena53@gmail.com
Buddhist Karawa parents seek for their daughter 1989/09 height 5’3” BSc Eng (Hons) PhD,equally qualified son. Mesha Lagna,Deta Nekatha,Kuja 5,Sikuru 7,Sandu 8. Please reply with horoscopes without Kuja,Dosa,family details and contact numbers. mprop1989sep@gmail.com
Buddhist parents seek a suitable professional partner for their daughter 26 year old. She is fair pretty and tall; working presently as a Lawyer (LLB Honour). Kindly reply with horoscope and family details. Email address: ravidramendis@yahoo.com
Buddhist Vishwakula parents are in search of an academically and professionally qualified,sociable,caring and handsome son below 34 years for their beloved daughter. She is an educated and beautiful daughter,born in October 1994,5’3”. Currently she holds an Executive position at a reputable company in Dubai,UAE. She is open to migrate and welcomes proposals from overseas as well. Caste immaterial. Please reply with family details and horoscope. marriageproposals841@gmail.com
B/G parents seek an educated,kind,virtuous son,employed in Sri Lanka or a foreign country,for their professionally qualified daughter,1982,5.45 ft,BIT,employed in a private company as a Technical Lead,owned properties,malefic horoscope,Mithuna lagna,Uthrasala Nekatha. Reply with horoscope,family details and contact numbers to: pwickramasooriyafm@gmail.com
B/G parents seek an educated,kind,virtuous son,employed in Sri Lanka or a foreign country,for their professionally qualified daughter,1984,5.5 ft.,Degree from Kelaniya University,employed in a Government company,owned properties,Meena Lagna,Siyawasa Nekatha. Reply with horoscope,family details and contact numbers to Ushajagoda123@gmail.com
Catholic parents seek a professionally qualified,well mannered tall good looking son for their youngest daughter 26 years pretty holds two Degrees from Melbourne University. Currently works for a Multinational Company. Father businessman,mother housewife. The other two siblings are professionals and married. If interested,please contact n perera 16@hotmail.com
Colombo R/C,Sinhala,Govigama,educated parents seek educated partner for their eldest daughter,5’6”,DB-1990 Dec.,studied leading Convent,LLB (Colombo),Attorney-at-Law,LLM (Colombo),employed UN-Colombo Office. nimaljw@hotmail.com0112889605,0777251479.
Colombo Sinhala B/C professional parents seek equally qualified,teetotaller groom for their University Lecturer daughter,36 y.,5’4”,silverbird3215@gmail.com
Colombo Sinhalese Buddhist family seeks a professionally qualified son or a Businessman,in Sri Lanka or overseas,for their beautiful smart daughter,she is professionally qualified USA degree holder,engaged in a private business. 5’6” in height,1986 born. Inherits assets in Colombo city and Colombo suburbia. Son is a Doctor in the United States. Please reply with full details to: proposals807@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs B/G professional parents seek a suitable partner for their Doctor (MBBS) daughter 32 years,5’4” in height. Please reply with family details. Email : illeperuma2022@gmail.com
Colombo suburb born in 1971 Dec.,pleasant,5’2”,academically and professionally qualified,well employed never married kind hearted daughter seeks a professional or business partner locally or overseas. Email : mpfordaughter@gmail.com
Educated son is sought for Bodu Salagma daughter born in January 1996,height 5’2”,educated in a leading school in Colombo. She is a HR Executive. Overseas proposals are also considered. 0114884261. proposals.1996A@gmail.com
Educated son sought by mother for Kandyan G/B 1990 January,4’10” tall fair daughter,graduate,employed in private sector Colombo. Inherits assets. Please contact with horoscope. Email: proposalslm125@gmail.com
Gampaha Sinhala Buddhist 1981,5’4” fair,pretty Graduate Teacher at Musaeus College,Colombo. Reading for MPhil. seeking a handsome educated partner,inherits valuable assets. Differences immaterial. sujanisomasiri81@gmail.com
GB parents seek partner,a Medical Doctor from Central Province for early marriage for a pretty professional bride with assets born in 1977 November. nuwara225@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist respectable parents Colombo seek educated son for pretty educated daughter 1994,5’2” Masters Degree. Executive in a reputed international company. Substantial assets. Please reply to: vivah2026@yahoo.com
Grandparents seek a professionally qualified caring Catholic partner for their convent educated (Sinhala Roman Catholic) granddaughter (parents divorced,living under the sole custody of her mother),born in 1995,4’7” in height,well-educated,attractive and kind-hearted. She has a BSc honours in Mathematics,Economics - University of London and is reading for MSc in Applied Statistics - University of Colombo. She also holds ATCL and LTCL diplomas in Piano performance. She is employed as a Mathematics teacher at a leading international school in Colombo drawing an attractive salary. She possesses substantial assets. Contact 0112291540. Email: noeljayamanne@yahoo.com
G/B professional parents in Colombo suburb seek a professionally qualified son for their very attractive fair Doctor daughter MBBS,MRCP qualified born n 1986,5’9” working as a Doctor in the UK. Please forward all details with a copy of horoscope. Email : p_gunasekara@hotmail.com
Jaffna Tamil Christian parents in UK seek Tamil Christian lad non RC non CPM fluent in English under 37 for their British professional son in mid forties with a decent life. Confidentiality assured. E Mail marriageprop@protonmail.com
Kelaniya,Buddhist,Govi,‘96 June,5’4 1/2”,Software Engineer permanently working in a private institution,pleasant looking,pretty daughter,mother seeks professionally qualified,virtuous,kind son with sober habits. Only sister is residing in Australia. Reply with horoscope to - proposal.silva60@gmail.com
Kesbewa,respectable Sinhala G/B parents retired from overseas employment seek matching groom with sober habits for 5ft only Doctor daughter born in Jan. 1990,working in Government Hospital close to Colombo. Please respond with horoscope and family details. US,Canada not considered. aluthgers@hotmail.com+94(11)2615050.
Muslim family seeks for their daughter in late thirties,unmarried,very fair,slim,professionally qualified & holds a leading position in public sector. Looking for a qualified partner. Overseas proposals also welcome. Tel: 0117450993 /0755717741.
Professionally qualified partner (height more than 5’6”) with good family background is sought by RC Colombo Chetty parents for their daughter born in 1990 height 5’4” pretty Colombo Convent educated well qualified with an MBA currently working for a multinational company,inherits assets,caste immaterial. catholicmp90@gmail.com
Professionally qualified,caring son is sought by respectable G/B parents for their educated,pretty daughter,born in 1988,Australian citizen. Please reply with family details and horoscope. propsr2022@gmail.com
Qualified,caring,decent son is sought by G/B respectable parents in Colombo district,for their fair daughter,5’ 1992 Doctor. Fluent in English and Sinhala. Respond with H/C and family details in the first instance. Confidentiality is highly assured. manprop56@gmail.com94112578986.
Respectable Gampaha B/G parents of (BSc/MSc) Engineer daughter,1990-4,5’6”,inherits assets,awaiting PR visa grant in Melbourne Australia seek same caste,well accomplished partner in engineering/allied field. nissproposals@gmail.com
Respected Buddhist parents seeking a handsome,kind,well mannered,qualified son,educated and not exceeding 36 years for their beautiful daughter of 29 years,5’4”,studied in a Colombo leading school,graduated from a well reputed university in Australia and working in Sri Lanka. Currently working in a leading conglomerate heading HR,completed her MBA. Reading for PhD. Down to settle abroad. Respond with family details,and a copy of the horoscope. Email : marriageproposal0616@gmail.com
Roman Catholic parents seek a suitable partner for their professionally qualified daughter working in managerial capacity,born in 1985,height 5’5” and holding substantial assets. Reply to: merril.jaya@gmail.com
Roman Catholic Sinhala parents from Wattala seek an educated partner for daughter born in July 1994,height 5’4”,studied in a leading Catholic Convent,LLB graduate,reading for an MBA (nearing completion),employed as an HR Executive,inherits substantial assets. Contact: 0777583417 /0114876433 /shehaanta.jaya@gmail.com
Seeking a well-established gentleman for marriage by a professionally qualified employed Buddhist lady (5’2”) in Colombo suburbs from a respected family. Born in 1983,divorced. Divorcees with no children are considered. Write with horoscope contactH1983@gmail.com
Sinhala Bodu,Govi,respectable professional family living in UK seeks N/S doctor son from same caste,for their caring,pretty,fair,slim doctor daughter brought up with parents with Sinhala Buddhist values,1992/Sept. born,5 feet. Please reply those living in UK or willing to migrate to UK,with copy of horoscope,and family details and contact number kasapathi@hotmail.co.uk
Sinhala Buddhist Govi parents from Kandy are looking for an academically qualified,caring and well-mannered son for their daughter,born in September 1994. She is 5’4” pretty,fair and slim. She completed her Engineering Degree and is currently working for a reputed company in Singapore and holds Singapore PR. She is planning to migrate to Melbourne at the end of this year. Please send family details and horoscope to: proposal6113@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi Buddhist respectable parents from Colombo suburb seek an academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son born between 1989-1994 with same caste and from a respectable family for their daughter MBBS Doctor born in October 1994,pretty,slim,medium complexion and 5’4” in height. Educated from a leading girls’ school in Colombo. Please reply with full family details and horoscope copy to: tkmrmprop@gmail.com
Sinhala Roman Catholic parents from Negombo suburbs seek a suitable partner for their daughter born in 1992,height 5’4” studied in a Catholic Convent and obtained PhD Bio-Chemistry from University in USA currently working in same university. matrimony2392@gmail.com
Sinhalese /Australian dual citizen parents from Melbourne seek an academically qualified well-mannered,caring Christian son with respectable family background to introduce to our kind-hearted lovable 21 years of age 5’8” height Australian born daughter. She has been brought up with Sri Lankan cultural values. She is an active member of a Christian Church. Currently she is in her Final Year of University and working part time in the healthcare field. Please reply with family details to: donaj1960@gmail.com
Sinhalese,Buddhist,Karawa retired parents residing in Canada seek a professionally qualified son for their eldest daughter,born in 1985. She is an MBBS graduate and currently working in a Government hospital in Sri Lanka,brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers. marriageproposalsmd@gmail.com/034-2236132 /0777990888.
Southern Bodu,Wahumpura family seeks suitable partner for daughter 40,Civil Engineer. Email: nimmprop@gmail.com
Southern Govi Buddhist parents seek a partner for their lady Doctor born in 92/4. She is very fair in complexion,beautiful and tall. ktcgaminisubasena@gmail.com
Sri Lankan Muslim,from Mawanella,seeks a Groom for our daughter,an English Teacher attached to a Government School,age 34 never married with a BA degree and reading for Master’s. Slim and Tan in colour. Practicing Muslim. Groom to be never married,religious,well-mannered good looking,educated & a kind-heard person to match her thoughts. Contact 0772-624852 /0354916230 with a detailed CV.
Sri Lankan R.C. parents residing in Australia seek a kind,good charactered R.C. son aged between 22-27 yrs,professionally qualified for their daughter 21 yrs,5’5” tall,slim and pretty studying 3rd yr. Physiotherapy. Email: kurukula.ls@gmail.com
Sri Lankan,Sinhalese parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter 36 yrs. B com. graduate,5’7”,fair and slim,New Zealand citizen,working in NZ. Please reply to : kanthasilva9@gmail.com
Well connected and educated Sri Lankan parents residing in the United States are seeking a groom for their daughter. She is a physician and is pursuing the medical residency. She was born in 1996,5’2” tall,slim and very pretty. She inherits eastern culture and values. When she was a teenage she had professionally completed the traditional Sri Lankan dance and is a talented pianist. Parents would preferably welcome physicians who reside in the United States. All correspondence will be treated with confidentiality and please forward your response to: srnnm@yahoo.comor please call 0111813 385 8460.
Well mannered academically and professionally qualified partner sought by Colombo resident B/G parents (father retired) for their Doctor daughter born in 1990 June,5’4” pretty fair medium built. Currently,employed in a Government Hospital. She inherits assets,please reply with family details and horoscope. Kuja in 1,2,4,7,8,12 compatible. Email : proposalmarriage423@gmail.com
1991/December,B/G respectable family in Matara District,our daughter is graduated from Karapitiya Medical/F. She is now working in Government hospital as a Doctor (MBBS). Height 5 feet 5.5” inches. She is very kind,fair,pretty and religious,calm and quiet character,parents seeking well mannered,mindful,qualified Doctor/Engineer son or Degree holding businessman also accepted. Reply with full details and horoscope. 0412273271. chaniabeyrathna@gmail.com
1999 - Kadawatha Buddhist Wishva height 5’1”,BSc Logistics Management daughter seeks educated partner. Contact: 0334344422,indrachapalakmini892@gmail.com