AA, Parents from a respectable family, looking for a kind hearted loving daughter (below 40) for their son, who’s currently based in Toronto (Canada) working in the IT field. He would be very much open to settling in Sri Lanka or Canada. Please respond with details to: marriagemangala7@gmail.com
About our son, he is academically and professionally qualified, well-mannered, smart, intelligent and handsome, born July 1993, 5’8” tall, with a very decent family background and currently residing and well-employed as a professional autonomous Vehicle engineer in the USA with an attractive salary. He has graduated from a well recognized US state university in the area of Mechanical Engineering. Respectable SBG professional parents seek pretty, well-educated, kind-hearted professional daughter (Prefer software engineer, computer science/Information Technology and other professionals)with excellent family background for our son, specifically those who are residing, studying or employed in USA / Canada. Others are considered too. Please reply with family and contact details from the first letter. 1993usaproposal@gmail.com
About our son, he is academically and professionally qualified, well-mannered, smart, intelligent, handsome, born January 1992, 5’7” tall, with a very decent family background and currently residing and employed as a graduate research/computer engineer living in the USA. He has graduated from a well recognized US State university in the area of engineering and Computer Science and obtained two master’s degrees and completing PhD in 2024. Respectable SBG professional parents seek pretty, well-educated, kind-hearted professional daughter (Prefer software, computer science/IT and other professionals), with excellent family background for our son, specifically those who are residing, studying, or employed in USA / Canada. Others are considered too. Please reply with family and contact details from the first letter. usa1992proposal@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified (preferably a Science/Engineering graduate or a Doctor), slim, pretty daughter is sought by Buddhist Govi parents for their 30 year old (1992 December) son. He is handsome, 5’10”, non-smoker with sober habits. He is employed as an Engineer in Germany with BSc & MSc. in Mechatronics Engineering, among other qualifications. prop3142@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified, kind, well mannered, pretty daughter 24 years or below taller than 5’3” preferably working or studying in Australia is sought by Buddhist respectable Durawa parents from Colombo for their son born in 1998 August, height 6ft, handsome, well mannered graduated BSc Hon. Civil Engineering from prestigious University in Australia, currently working as a Strucutural Engineer in an Australian company and he inherits substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email : marriageproposal0898@gmail.com
Academically qualified slim pretty daughter preferably living in Canada or willing to migrate is sought by Sinhala parents for their well-qualified handsome 29 years old son working as Senior Software Engineer with assets in both countries. Please reply with horoscope, family details and contact numbers. Email: proposal94son@gmail.com
Affluent gent 69 years seeks, initially, companion between 55 - 65 years who is pretty. After association, can lead to marriage. Must be affectionate, compassionate, modest, and having humor. Other plus points are appreciation of music, and love for animals. If you have most of these qualities, I’d like to hear from you. Email : stardustspecs000@gmail.com Phones : 011 2840025, 076 222 8840.
An educated beautiful girl height less than 5’4” sought by B/G affluent business family from Gampaha district for their 1994 born, 5’7” handsome boy. B.Com MBA graduate and Managing Director of his own company. Inherits extensive wealth. Business families only. marriage.pro789@gmail.com
Academically qualified, pretty daughter is sought by B/G parents from Colombo suburb for their educated son, 33 years old, BBA, MBA, 5’8” living in Toronto, Canada. Reply with family details and horoscope. Caste immaterial. Email : matrimonytorontoca@gmail.com
A pleasant lady is sought by sister for her brother living in Australia. He is 61, B/K, professionally qualified and currently working, legally separated and no encumbrances, differences immaterial. Please email : kent1222@yahoo.com
BG parents of a respectable family from Gampaha/UAE are seeking a well-mannered educated daughger for their 1994/12 born 5’10” height handsome son Civil Engineer residing / working in UAE. Please write with horoscope matching with Shani Mangala Dosha & family details: kamalnagaha@gmail.com
Bodu Govi affluent respectable Colombo suburbs parents, seek pretty educated girl from a similar background for their 34y, 5’7” handsome double Masters qualified Accountant son studied in leading Colombo school owns upstair house, lands etc. Reply with horoscope. senshque201@gmail.com
Buddhist Kandyan Govigama professional parents seek a very pretty daughter for 27 year, very handsome, down-to-earth, caring 5’10” tall, educated in Kandy, Structural Engineer son in Australia for marriage. Please respond with details to fantastic.proposal@gmail.com
Buddhist parents from respectable family background seek for their very fair, 5’8” tall handsome 27 years old son working for a leading Pharmaceutical company, a suitable partner from similar background for marriage. Email : propdis1996@gmail.com with horoscope.
Buddhist Sinhala educated parents seek a suitable daughter for their very handsome, non smoker teetotaller son, born in 1995/4 height 5’10” studied and graduated in Chemistry in France. Currently employed (France). Proposals from families in Europe are welcome. Religion immaterial. Pls reply with family details. nilminikaluarachchi6@gmail.com
Buddhist, professional, 48, Aus citizen, divorced with encumbrance, inherits assets, seeks educated, kind partner for marriage. Reply with horoscope. Email : mproposal311@gmail.com
B/G professional parents from Colombo looking for a well brought up partner for their son Royalist American graduate working in America born in 1983, 5’10” thin medium complexion handsome religions teetotaller. sujatha400@gmail.com
B/G respectable family looking for an educated daughter from professional or business family to propose our handsome 28 yrs. old son who is highly educated, well disciplined and good looking. He always had a pleasant personality which endeared him to everyone. Please send all details to peperera1111@gmail.com
B/G respectable, well established, business family in Western Province seeks academically, professionally qualified, kind and pretty daughter from the same caste for their Doctor son born in 1991, 5’10” tall, fair, handsome, caring with an excellent character. He was raised with Sinhalese cultural values. NS/TT.Not a maleficent horoscope. He studied in a leading school in Colombo and obtained MBBS from a well reputed local University. He is currently working as a medical officer in a government hospital. He inherits valuable assets including a modern car and a house. Reply with family details, contact number and the horoscope of the daughter. Email: prop91marriage@gmail.com
B/S dual citizen parents living in Australia seek a daughter for our 29 yrs. son. He is working as a Dentist (DDS), 5’7”, handsome, TT/NS, and has grown up with Sri Lankan values. Please respond with details of your daughter, family, contact and horoscope to propzoy@gmail.com
Canadian citizens Buddhist Sinhalese parents seek well-mannered professionally qualified daughter for their son. He was born in 1994, grew up in Canada, is 5’8” tall, professionally qualified. Please respond with family details to jaykan718@gmail.com
Catholic mother seeks an educated pretty, fair daughter living and working in Canada for her son 43 yrs, 5’10” tall handsome, Canadian citizen working as a Doctor in Canada. Please reply to: mpwish23@yahoo.com
Catholic professional parents living at Nawala, looking for a bride for 29 yrs old son BEng (Hons) 5’6” height. Reading for an MBA, working as as Software Engineer. Studied at St. Joseph’s College Colombo owns substantial assets. Email: wisdomworks872@gmail.com
Canadian citizen son with an Engineering degree. Born 1986, 5’10”, handsome, athletic, non-smoker. He is kind, ambitious, and raised with Buddhist values. Owns an IT company and properties (in both Toronto / Colombo). Seeking a well-mannered daughter. Please send details to danrenuka7@gmail.com or contact 0769028063 or 0112826685. Caste Vishwakula (immaterial).
Colombo B/G mother seeks a suitable partner for her son 1985 born, educated in a leading school in Colombo, height 5’9”, and now resides in the UK (a British citizen). Please reply with family and horoscope details to: proposals1128@gmail.com Tel: 0112884390.
Educated and kind-hearted daughter with good family values is sought by the mother for professionally and academically qualified Electrical Engineer son residing in the US. Born in 1978 to a respectable B/G family and 6’2” in height. He is divorced without any encumbrances. Differences immaterial. Please reply with details, horoscope and contact information. susjay2021@gmail.com
Gampaha B/G mother, brother seeking a virtuous pretty girl for youngest son 48, 5’7” never married graduated & working in Australia, Australian citizen, inherited home in SL, owns one in Australia. ranok2010@gmail.com 033-2297255.
Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo District seek a daughter for our eldest son. He is an Engineer by profession, 34 years (1989 July), of age and 6’ in height. He studied at a leading school in Colombo and completed his higher education in Local Private Universities. After working at a leading company in Sri Lanka he is now engaged in business. Non-smoker, teetotaller. We are looking for a family-oriented daughter. (prop2022proposal@gmail.com)
Govi/Buddhist mother seeks educated daughter for her youngest son born in 1994. Son is graduated from university of S’pura and working as a Senior Lecturer in a leading institute. He is having his own business as well. Respond with family details and horoscope to: proposaljay123@gmail.com
Indian origin, culinary specialist working in reputed company in Sri Lanka with higher salary, height 5’6” born 1978 fair & handsome seeks English speaking educated, social girl from a good family background. Email: prop01919@outlook.com
New Zealand resident son born in 1992 height 5’5” school education at Richmond College, Galle. BSc grauated from a reputed institute in NZ currently employed as a Vehicle Sales Executie in a leading car dealership in NZ, parents seeking an educated good looking daugher who is willing to migrate. nzproposal1992@gmail.com
Our son is 29 years old, height 5’11” handsome, smart kind and talented, well qualified studied at a leading international school in Colombo. He has completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at leading universities in the USA. He is a Financial Analyst and just migrated to Australia. His only elder brother also educated in the USA and married and settled in Australia. He owns substantial assets in both countries. We are a successful wealthy Sinhala Buddhist business family living in heart of Colombo looking for a very pretty, slim, and fair tall girl from a suitable family who is currently living or is hoping to move to Australia soon. Please contact us if interested by emailing us to : colombo5885@gmail.com caste, race immaterial. We don’t believe in horoscopes but respect your belief.
Parents from respectable Tamil family from Colombo seeking an academically and professionally qualified daughter on or below 32 years for their son born in 1987, 5’5” smart caring and well-mannered Software Engineer son. Caste and religion are immaterial. Please reply with family details to: tdportia@ymail.com
Parents in Colombo seek a suitable partner for their son, dual qualified Civil Engineer, University of Queensland, Australia, working in Australia as an Engineer. 1997 born, 6 feet tall, educated from two leading schools in Colombo. Reply email: deepalsa@hotmail.com or Mobile: +94777743679 / 0112367115.
Parents seek a bride below 32 years (UK or Sri Lanka) for their smart, talented Consultant Doctor son 5’6” working and living in the UK. rosegardens2022@yahoo.com
Partner is sought specially from Australia for Bodu Govi, height 5’7” son born in 1994, studying IT in Australia. 0332320730. kulageya.com@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi/RC family living in Canada seeks an educated, pretty and simple daughter very fluent in English who is willing to migrate to Canada for their handsome son born in 1993/April and 5’8” tall. He is a Graduate (Electrical Engineering) and currently at the final stage of his Masters (Computer Science) part-time employed. He inherits properties from Toronto. Families living outside Sri Lanka also preferred. Email: marriageproposal779@gmail.com
Sinhalese, Roman Catholic parents living in Canada seek a partner for their son born in April 1997, height 6’, currently employed as a Software Engineer at a reputed company in NY, USA. Living in USA/Canada are preferred. For further details contact milroyp68@gmail.com
Western country citizen, S/G, 48, handsome, Buddhist values, teetotaller, divorced, no encumbrance, well employed, looking for kind, Buddhist, divorced lady, PR or citizen of Western country only, not residence in Sri Lanka, 36 - 41, no kids, minor leg defect is ok. Email: proposal3827@gmail.com
We’re Bodu Govi family from Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte. Father is an importer & exporter and mother is a former cultural Dancing Teacher. The proposed is our son 1995 October born, 5’7” in height. He gained his education from a leading college in Colombo 7, graduated from a reputed Australian University as a Mechanical Engineer, now working in a reputed large export oriented organization, He is a keen sportsman playing cricket and soccer. He represented 1st XI team in Cricket during school days. He is kind hearted, handsome and smart. He inherits valuable family assets. Please reply if you are interested to email : anukumz.anu9@gmail.com
We, as a well-established and esteemed Sinhala Buddhist family residing in Ampara, parents are looking for a beautiful and professionally qualified Kandyan daughter below 27 years and absolutely within a similar family & cultural background for their elder son. He is now 32 years old (1991/09) academically and professionally qualified, 5’4” tall, well - mannered, Handsome smart, never married, non smoking, non alcoholic with an excellent character. He is now chairman of a leading retail liquor shop’s in Ampara District & one of the largest Dairy factories in Ampara. He inherits valuable family assets and willing to be settled in beautiful surrounding in Kandy. Please send horoscope & genuine family details with contact details in first letter to: [email protected]