Call to save coconut lands in Kurunegala | Sunday Observer

Call to save coconut lands in Kurunegala

9 April, 2023

Farmer organisations in the Hiriyala area have urged the relevant authorities to take steps to stop the fragmentation of coconut lands as the extent of coconut lands has drastically declined in the Kurunegala district during the past five years.

President of the Kimbulwanaoya Farmer Organisation H.M. Senevirathna Banda said that “Fragmenting coconut lands in the district is still carried out by certain business organisations despite the instructions given by the Provincial Council.

The fragmenting and the selling of coconut lands has become a serious threat to the coconut industry and approximately 100 coconut trees are reportedly lost per acre in this manner.”

He said that the price of coconuts in the district has gone up between Rs 110 to Rs.150 per nut.

Although the responsible authorities had said about a year ago that the extent of coconut lands that can be fragmented would be restricted to two acres, a large scale fragmentation is still going on in the district”, he said.

Farmer organisations say that strict laws should be imposed against the fragmentation of coconut lands. Otherwise, coconuts will have to be imported before long.


