Vidya Jeyarajan, a certified yoga instructor from Akshar yoga and a Himalayan yogini, was the only Sri Lankan who took part in the Guinness World Record event. In an email interview with the Sunday Observer she said the event had participation from 20 countries, 28 members from 28 states of India, 250 police officials, 50 senior yoga teachers, 100 specially-abled practitioners, 50 college students, 100 schoolchildren, 100 yoga practitioners and a team of 80 members for record inspection. The three New Guinness World Records were created on 11 February 2023.
People across the world recognise and practise yoga as an effective method for personal development. The world’s superpowers use yogic techniques to accelerate their growth. Our intent is to spread the message of health, peace and happiness through yoga by bringing together people from all walks of life and to enlighten them on the importance and impact of yoga in our lives.
Under the direction of Himalayan Siddha Akshar, the Akshar Yoga Research and Development Centre hosted this year’s Mandala Yoga Festival. Three new Guinness World Records were set for the greatest number of persons holding Vashishtasana, Halasana, and Ushtrasana.
Thousands of people from diverse demographics received training to ensure the success of this endeavours. The Karnataka State Police force participated and joined the students from various schools and colleges, children from orphanages, and children with special needs.
The chief guest of the festival was Minister of Higher Education, Dr. C.N. Ashwath Narayan, and the guest of honour was the Additional Director General of Police, Shri Seemanth Kumar Ji.
The objective of the event was to express to the world that yoga is essential to our personal development, and the more we practise and accept it as a lifestyle, the more we will progress.
Jeyarajan said she had a wonderful experience and was able to connect with many beautiful souls. Her experience and stay in Akshar Yoga was an enriching one where she learned many new things. It was a once in a life time experience that was unique and awe-inspiring.
The highlight of the event for her was that she got to meet her guru and receive his blessings. His message to her was to spread the art of yoga and spirituality to the nation.
She has been practising yoga for more than 20 years and has worked as a yoga instructor for the past 14 years in her own yoga centre “Vidyodaya Yoga Sankalpa” (“Healthy Dawn”). She hopes to grow further and serve society by guiding people to become stronger beings, physically, mentally and spiritually through yoga.