The Police had to be called-in, to quell a clash between two groups of students belonging to the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and the Frontline Socialist Party (FSP) which happened following an argument over arrangements to celebrate the Valentine’s Day. This incident was an argument regarding a Welcome Arch (Thorana) been built at the Sri Jayawardenepura University
grounds on Tuesday night. Mirihana police said that the property of the hostel has been severely damaged due to the fight.
According to sources, after the clash broke out the two groups of students had attacked each other with clubs, stones and also using other property in the university premises.
The gate, doors and glass windows of the hostel were damaged in the clash. A special police team of the Mirihana police and had taken steps to disperse the students. Although it was said the clash had started over an argument about the welcome arch, actually the clash happened between supporters of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna and the Frontline Socialist Party, a police officer said.
Several students who were injured in the clash had gone to Kalubowila Hospital and after receiving treatment had left. However, one student is still undergoing treatment at the hospital, the police said.
When a police officer went to the hospital to get a statement from the student, he had said that he had gone to play volleyball that afternoon and got injured after falling.
The official said that the university administration had not complained to the police as yet regarding the losses due to the clash.
The senior police officer further said that no complaint has been received from the two sides engaged in the conflict.