Despite allocating Rs. 200 million to the Opposition Leader’s office for 2022, they have requested Rs. 230 million from the Government for 2023. An estimate had been given for Rs. 199,080,000 for 2022 and Rs. 235,200,000 for 2023. Therefore, an additional Rs. 36,120,000 had been requested by the Opposition Leader’s office for 2023.
The Government lawmakers counter question the example set by the Opposition Leader on the use of state funds as he always speaks in an accusing manner about the waste of state funds. It is also reported that a Cabinet memorandum has been submitted for approval to appoint two Opposition MPs as Deputy Chief Opposition Whips nominated by the Opposition Leader.
Permission has also been given to two Deputy Chief Opposition Whips to have a private staff similar to a State Minister.
Having considered the prevailing financial restrictions, it has been recommended to the Cabinet to absorb Government officers to fill those vacancies without any new recruitment.