Rs. 50 m to control human-elephant conflict | Sunday Observer

Rs. 50 m to control human-elephant conflict

18 June, 2017

Due to the human-wild elephant conflict in the Kurunegala district, five people and 16 wild elephants died last year, according to the latest statistics of the Wildlife Conservation Department.

So far this year, two people and three wild elephant deaths have been reported to the Department.

The deaths have been reported from Galgamuwa and Nikaweratiya electorates of the Kurunegala district.

Confirming these facts, W.E.Jayathilake, a senior Divisional Secretary in Kurunegala told Sunday Observer that the Ministry of Wildlife has allocated Rs. 50 million to save elephants and residents, farmers and their crops from this constant conflict this year by erecting electric fences and planting thorny trees and bushes where elephants enter the inhabited villages. 
