Both countries to shun force on poachers | Sunday Observer
Sri Lanka-India fisheries issue

Both countries to shun force on poachers

28 March, 2022

Sri Lanka has raised concerns on the unconventional methods used by Indian fishing vessels in the Northern waters and stressed the importance of joint action to mitigate the gradual loss of livelihood as a result, at the latest round of bilateral exchange on fisheries.

India has called for non-military intervention when apprehending Indian fishing vessels which violate territorial waters.

The fifth meeting of the India-Sri Lanka Joint Working Group on fisheries was held virtually on March 25.

“Both sides reiterated the highest priority accorded by their Governments for the well-being, safety and security of fishermen of the two countries. Both countries agreed that the use of force could not be justified under any circumstances, and reiterated the importance of extending humane treatment to all fishermen,” a release from the Indian High Commission stated yesterday.

The Sri Lankan delegation was led by Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries, Mrs. Rathnayake and the Indian delegation by Secretary, Fisheries, Government of India, Shri Jatindra Nath Swain. Both sides reviewed the developments since the last meeting of the Joint Working Group in December 2020. The Indian side outlined the steps taken by the Government to safeguard the marine environment and measures to improve fisheries methods, including stationing coastguard vessels at key sea routes requested by the Sri Lankan side. Among the other measures are creating awareness on environmentally damaging fishing operations, and providing education, financial support and guidance to Indian fishermen to migrate to long liner fishing.

Both countries agreed to continue using the meeting as a communication channel to discuss ways to improve the situation and pursue joint research in fisheries cooperation between the two countries.
