Although the number of Covid-19 deaths and Covid-19 cases have dropped, there is a danger of a new variant emerging in the country. Therefore, obtaining the booster and following health guidelines is essential, Health Promotion Bureau (HPB) Director Dr. Ranjith Batuwanthudawa said.
He told a press briefing at the Health Promotion Bureau in Colombo on Friday that a new variant of Covid-19 could emerge in Sri Lanka or it can arrive from abroad at any moment and the only protection available against such a threat is obtaining the booster as soon as possible and following all health guidelines, at all times.
Only 53 percent of the targeted group (those over the age of 20) had obtained the booster dose (Pfizer) of the Covid-19 vaccine. This is a dangerous situation.
A new and dangerous variant of Covid-19 could appear at any moment because the danger persists. The aim of following health guidelines is to prevent the virus entering the body or minimising the viral load entering the body, he said.
The booster dose can be obtained from all MOH offices islandwide on Saturdays and people who need to go abroad can obtain the Pfizer vaccine by contacting the MOH office.
The circulars in this connection have already been issued, he said.
People should follow all health guidelines when they leave their homes, no matter whether they had obtained all three doses of the Covid-19 vaccine or not. They should wear a standard face mask covering their nose and mouth properly.
They should wash their hands with soap and water often or use a standard hand sanitiser when soap and water is not available.
They should maintain at least one metre distance from one another person whenever possible, he added.
New lockdowns and a new variant of Covid-19 were reported from China last week.