NEC chief comes down hard on errant LG Councillors | Sunday Observer

NEC chief comes down hard on errant LG Councillors

27 February, 2022

Chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Nimal Punchihewa has told Secretaries of recognised political parties and Governors of all provinces to take action against indiscipline and indecent behaviour of Councillors of Local bodies. Errant Councillors of Local bodies should be punished after conducting disciplinary inquiries against them

He said that errant Councillors attack one another while monthly meetings are being held at the premises of the local bodies.

These incidents have made them unpopular among voters. This unwholesome trend is really a problematic issue to democracy and hence, all Secretaries of parties and Governors should ensure discipline among Councilors of Local bodies.

SLFP General Secretary, State Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara said that there were no Councillors of Local bodies of the SLFP who violated the rules and regulations with regard to indiscipline..

“The SLFP leadership has already informed all SLFP Councillors of local bodies in writing to maintain good discipline, at all times, even in the future too,” Jayasekara added.
