No complications have been reported so far from schoolchildren, over the age of 12, who obtained the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, Health Promotion Bureau (HPB) Director Dr. Ranjith Batuwanthudawa said.
He told a press briefing at the Health Promotion Bureau in Colombo on Friday that no hospital admissions were reported from any child who obtained the Pfizer vaccine. Vaccinating schoolchildren over the age of 12 is continuing and there is enthusiasm among children and parents to obtain the vaccine.
Dr. Batuwanthudawa said that the enthusiasm to obtain the booster dose is also increasing among people and any person who did not obtain the first, second or the booster dose can obtain their vaccines now. People who could not obtain their first or second dose can contact the closest vaccine centre to obtain the vaccine.
The possibility for unvaccinated people to get infected with Covid-19 is high and they could suffer complications. Therefore, everyone above 20 should obtain the vaccine to protect themselves from Covid-19, he added.