High Commissioner S. Amarasekara, presented his Letters of Credence to Cyril Ramaphosa, the President of the Republic of South Africa on 14th April 2021 at Sefako M. Makgatho Presidential Guest House, in Pretoria along with eight envoys from other countries.
The ceremony was held in two phases, complying with strict Covid-19 health protocols.
In the 1st phase, each envoy was accorded a guard of honour and led to the audience chamber to be introduced to President Ramaphosa and the 2nd phase of the ceremony was to present President Ramaposha the Recall papers of the Predecessor as well as the letters of Credence of the High Commissioner Amarasekara.
Soon after accepting the Credentials of the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to South Africa, President Ramaposha happily recalled his visits to Sri Lanka and emphasised the importance of enhancing bilateral relation with special attention to tourism sectors of the two Countries.
In his response, High Commissioner Amarasekara, also highlighted the importance of enhancing people-to-people interactions and strengthening the economic ties between two countries. The High Commissioner was accompanied by his spouse Hema Amarasekara to the ceremony.