Academically qualified son born 1980,5’11” tall,handsome,well-mannered,sober habits,not married. Senior Consultant at IBM looking for a suitable bride. Father/mother retired seniors in public sector B/G (differences immaterial). Younger sister MBBS Doctor in Australia,married. Please write to: pattichintha1@gmail.com
Academically qualified very pretty well brought up kind & loving living in USA from respectable Catholic family sought by very respectable Govi Catholic parents for their very handsome son tall slim born & raised in USA with Sinhala Catholic values 24 years Engineer specialized in Robotics & Fed Realley employed. Please reply to: bentley1967@yahoo.com
Academically qualified,pretty kind hearted daughter is sought by respectable B/G parents living in Sri Lanka for their son,born in 1987,well brought up Sinhala Buddhist values,with sober habits,5’7” in height and handsome,holding a Master’s Degree from prestigious University in USA and currently working in the USA. Please respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope /contact number to usagroom1987@gmail.com(USA/Canada preferred).
Academically qualified,pretty kind hearted daughter is sought by respectable parents for their one and only Sinhala Buddhist son,born in 1994,well brought up with good values. Teetotaller,5’5” in height and handsome,early education in Royal College,Colombo and is holding a Masters and a Bachelor’s degree,currently working as a Lead HR in a multinational company. Proposed son inherits properties and assets in Sri Lanka. Please respond with family details with the copy of the horoscope to: mproposals709@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified pretty well mannered daughter is sought by Bodu Govi parents living in Colombo suburbs for their son born 1992/6 5’5’’ tall,studied at a Colombo leading School,Moratuwa University BSc Engineer,CIMA fully qualified,studying final year at Law College while working in a leading company as an Executive. Owns substantial assets Rahu first Kethu Buda seventh Kuja fifth Shani second house Dhanu Lagna,Saa Nekatha. Only brother studying Government University. Please respond with full family details & horoscope,telephone number at the first instance itself: uweerasi@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified daughter sought for 5’5”,38,PhD.,B/G Senior Lecturer migration considered. mprose345@gmail.com
Affluent G/B family seeks pleasant attractive lady below 50 years from a very respectable family for their good looking divorced son,who is academically and professionally qualified from a prestigious university in USA and was employed in a world’s leading bank in USA as an Investment Banker (dual citizen with USA) and now into his own ventures in Sri Lanka and abroad. Caste is immaterial,divorcees are considered. Pls. reply with full details. Email : pronda069@gmail.com
An educated obedient daughter who truly appreciates Sinhalese heritage and Buddhist values is sought by Colombo B/G/K parents for smart son Anandian born 1987 5’6” N/S T/T Australian citizen working as Associate Professor at reputed University in Australia. Inherits assets,proposals from Australia are preferred. Reply with horoscope. Email : newnug2021@gmail.com
An educated partner sought by a Scientist working in University in Europe. Prefer a G/B girl in 35-40 age range,willing to live overseas. Groom never married,1974,5’5’’,TT/NS. Please reply with contact details. 74.bandara@gmail.com
An educated,pleasant,kind heartedd and well brought up partner is sought by parents in Moratuwa for their son who is a Software Engineer by profession. He is 38 years 5’6’’ tall and is a teetotaler/non-smoker with pleasant mannerisms. He inherits substantial assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email: props882@gmail.com
An old boy of Ananda College born 1960 Govi Buddhist never married teetotaller non smoker employed a English Sinhala proof reader seeks an kind hearted lady partner to lead a harmonies pleasant married life. email: rrai35370@gmail.com
Australia - Perth living daughter is sought by parents for son. 5’6’’,31 yrs. vincy.perera@gmail.com0812570875 - after 7 p.m.
A Christian fair beautiful bride is sought by Govi parents for their only son,holding a PhD in Engineering field. 33 yrs,5’9”. Please reply with full details. Non R.C. Christians only. Email: mestj2021@gmail.com
A good looking Sinhala Buddhist girl who studies or works in USA,is sought for our son 33 y. works in USA. ccj10960@gmail.com
A pleasant tall daughter is sought by G/B mother for PhD qualified,healthy son,6ft tall,born in 1973 with sober habits,employed in USA. Legally separated after very brief marriage with no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope and details. usaproposal333@gmail.com
A pretty bride is sought by Govi Buddhist mother living close to Colombo for son 31 yrs.,5’9”,Graduate in Business Management with MBA and CIM CIMA partly qualified,Well employed in a reputed Company. Studied at a leading school in Colombo. owns upstair house,vehicle and properties. Reply with full details with a copy of the horoscope. Email : proposalmarriage31@gmail.com
A suitable partner from English speaking background,prefers only living in SL,slim & good looking and having permanent job. Proposed groom has returned to SL few months back after yrs. of employment overseas at Senior manager level,in late 40’s but looks absolutely in 30’s having own house and other assets and self sufficient,Sinhalese & Catholic never married. Prefer girl below 41 Contact 0112518788 or email sureshdesilva99@gmail.com
A suitable partner,preferably living in the USA is sought by Sinhala parents from Colombo for their son who is a very qualified and a well-accomplished professional holding a senior managerial position in a prestigious company in Colombo. He frequently travels to the USA on work and is well-acquainted with the life and culture in USA. A teetotaller,non-smoker. He is 46 years old but looks much younger than that. Divorcees are also considered. Please send us your daughter’s details to: sudafer@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi respectable parents from Colombo suburb seek a suitable daughter for their 1990 born 5’8”,son with sober habits,educated at a reputed Colombo School. Completed an Engineering Degree from a state university in USA,and currently employed in USA. Please reply with family details. Email : cproposal190@gmail.com
Buddhist medium level parents residing in Ganemulla seeking a truly beautiful,educated and smart daughter with positive and honest attitude over the age 18 from a respectable family. The proposed son is 32 years (born 12/1988),5’7”,truly handsome,fair,well-mannered and has an excellent personality. He is qualified master holder in Australia and working. He was holding a managerial level position before leaving the country in a top pharmaceutical company. Horoscope is immaterial. Please reply with full family details to proposalson1988@gmail.com
Buddhist parents residing in Colombo suburbs seek an academically professionally qualified daughter for their Australian citizen son graduated from a leading Australian University and employed in an MNC as an Electrical Engineer,born in 1984 September 5’9”,N/S,T/T,fair and handsome. Please respond with the horoscope. m.proposal7512@gmail.com
Buddhist parents residing in Colombo suburbs seek an academically professionally qualified daughter for their Australian citizen son graduated from a leading Australian University and employed in an MNC as an Electrical Engineer,born in 1984 September 5’9’’,N/S,T/T,fair and handsome. Please respond with the horoscope. m.proposal7512@gmail.com
B/G parents from Kandy seek a suitable pretty daughter with PR in Japan for their 27 year old son. He does temporary work while studying in Japan. He is 6’2’’ tall,fair,handsome and a responsible gentleman studied at a leading government school in Kandy. Forward horoscope with family details to: aproposal21@gmail.comor call: 0812389373.
B/G parents (Business family) Colombo invite pleasant and kind professionally qualified daughter for their son Australian citizen living in Sydney born 1985,5-6 educated at Buddhist School in Colombo and graduated in University USA completed Postgraduate Studies in Accounting & Finance from well reputed Australian University. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email : lasprop2021@gmail.com
B/G,professional parents living in Australia wish to introduce their son. He is academically and professionally qualified (PhD),32 years old,tall (5’9”),handsome,very kind,NS,TT,working for a global investment bank in London at a senior professional level (Director). He was born and educated in Australia,prefers a simple lifestyle. He is looking for a very beautiful,tall,kind-hearted,honest,intelligent girl. Please respond if you live in UK. Email: srilanka246@outlook.com
Colombo B/G mother seeks pleasant,fair,well mannered daughter for her son,1987,5’8”,fair,handsome,non-smoker,teetotaller,LLB-UK,BA-UK qualified,working in leading organization. kawow6699@gmail.com
Colombo Sinhala Buddhist Durawa respectable parents seek pretty daughter for their handsome academically,professionally qualified son 6’,29 (91/9),well employed,studied at reputed School inherits substantial assets in Colombo. Reply with family details with horoscope. Email : cwba64@gmail.com
Father seeks a bride with an unblemished character,below 30 yrs,for his British citizen sporty music loving Dr son,towards the end of consultant training in the UK,39 yrs and 5’7’’. Reply: virginproposal@yahoo.com
For young Medical Doctor in USA,absolutely beautiful,fair,slim,well brought up daughter is sought by B/G affluent family for their very handsome son,1994 April,5’11”,fair to introduce for a relationship leading to marriage,educated in American School in Japan. Resident Physician doing double certified residency. USA top 10 hospitals in Ohio State. Manageable very little spoken Sinhala He inherits over one billion assets,50% cash,100 acres of coconut estate with fully furnished modern house,guranteeing monthly income over Rs. 4m only from Sri Lanka,excelled at Basketball and Baseball,raised in Japanese /American culture & very kind well mannered and naive (Only elder brother is a graduate of Toronto University,employed as a Director of his company in Japan while doing PhD). Preferable someone in similar capacity and from USA,Canada & UK. Having little ability of Sinhala is much better. Please reply with all details along with horoscope to: greenhopecoltd@ybb.ne.jp
Friend seeks a partner for divorced,Roman Catholic,Sinhala,42 years old bussinessman from Nawala. Email: animationstu@gmail.comTel: 0112686050.
Govigama /Buddhist parents (father is an IT professional while mother is a draftsman) presently living in Sydney Australia (dual citizens) are seeking a suitable professional marriage partner for their only son (one child). he is employed in IT field & holds a double degree in IT & Business Accounting working in Sydney. he was born in Dec. 1994,height 5’10”,a faithful Buddhist with sober habits & We prefer a professionally qualified daughter and preferably living and working in Sydney area. Please forward a copy of your daughter’s horoscope,Contact details and recent information to proposal1994sl@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist Kandyan well established respectable business family from Kandy seeks an educated pretty fair slim well mannered daughter for their eldest son educated at Trinity College Kandy very good sportsman got through his Masters in Business Administration in a prestitious university in Melbourne Australia. At present he is the Managing Diretor/Partner in the family business 38 years 5’11’’ in height medium build fair smart very fluent in English handsome has an attractive personality fair well mannered person with Greek. Family values. Inherit valuable assets. Please reply with horoscope and famliy details. Email: scr7976@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist respectable established business parents seek a suitable daughter for their educated established businessman son born in1988. Email: proposals1999@outlook.com
Govi Buddhist well known and respectable parents seek a pretty,educated and well accomplished daughter for their son who is 28 years old,5’7’’ tall,handsome,well-mannered and a non-smoking teetotaller. He is working as an Accounts Manager at a Global Information Technology & Services Company. He had his education at a leading school in Colombo and is a 1st Class Business Management and MBA Graudate,both from two leading universities in the UK. He owns a house in Colombo. Please reply with the family details along with the horoscope to: marproposal2021@gmail.com
Govi Christian parents seek for son 1988 born Australian citizen a Christian daughter who is professionally qualified. He is 5’10” tall fair & handsome. Works as an Accountant cum Financial Advisor for a Financial Organization in Melbourne. NS/TT. He is well established. nirmalee.desilva@gmail.com0112714877,0718388062.
Kind-hearted,educated pleasant girl who’s willing to migrate or already in Overseas is sought by Kandayn B/G parents with a respectable family for their eldest son,88’ born,5’5” handsome,educated,non-smoker,working in the field of Aeronutical Engineering Overseas. Owns substantial assets. Rahu-1,Kethu-7 houses. Please reply with all the family details and copy of the horoscope to email - shankaweerakoon07@gmail.com
Moor family seeks genuine,professional Muslim groom with no kids living & working in Colombo for divorced bride aged 45,fair,resides in Colombo. mypretty.girl@yahoo.com
Moor well connected and educated parents in Colombo seek a religious,educated and English speaking bride for their son. He graduated overseas as an Engineer and is now well employed. He is 27 years and 5’7”. Please reply with full details including a contact Telephone Number to kdyparents@gmail.com
New Zealand citizens Sinhala,Buddhist,(G/S) parents are looking for an educated,pretty,well-mannered daughter,living in New Zealand,Australia,UK or USA for our 32 years old 5’9”,handsome,kind-hearted son,PhD holder and currently working as Research Fellow at the prestigious University in New Zealand. Please reply with details to: proposalcka@gmail.com
Parent seeks a bride for 25 years son doing his own business and studying. Only of the family. Mother is working for family Tea plantation. Father is a Graduate Ayurveda Doctor. Differences immaterial. Email : sa7745@yahoo.com
Respectable Govi/Buddhist mother seeks an academically and professionally qualified pretty daughter for her son,a Canadian citizen born in 1987,5’11’’. Graduate from a prestigious university and employed in a well reputed company in Canada as an Assistant Director. Please reply with family details including the horoscope. Email only: aalnu25@gmail.com
Roman Catholic parents from Colombo suburbs seek a pretty and educated daughter from a respectable family for their handsome looking son 34,gainfully employed at a leading bluechip. He is both academically and professionally qualified. Please respond with details. Email: tdajs123@gmail.com
Seek an educated,pleasant,kind hearted partner for my brother born March 1987 and 5’11” in height,academically & professionally qualified,well mannered and teetotaller with pleasant personality. Currently working as a Software Product Manager in a Pvt IT Company. Buddhist /Karawa,inherits assets. Please reply with horoscope and family details. proposalgr87@gmail.com
Sinhala Bodu/Govi father (Engineer) and mother living in Melbourne seek pretty kind-hearted and caring daughter for their handsome only son 20 years to get to know from a similar family before getting married. Son is studying the Engineering Degree 3rd year Monash University Australia and caring oriented person,is Australian citizen. The daughter we seek should be fair cultured and educated fluent speaker in English. Contact with details. Email : khdjd@yahoo.com
Sinhalese Buddhist Age 50 height 5’6” living in Colombo doing business wife passed away looking fair and beautiful lady as a future partner age should be 40 or below. Divorced widowed or unmarried. Religion is not considered. Email: prosperous2769@gmail.com
Sydney based B/G parents looking for a small built,pretty,down-to-earth daughter,who truly appreciates Sinhalese heritage and Buddhist values. Our caring and understanding son is a dual citizen of SL & Australia,born December 1989,5’7”,NS/TT,Manager in IT field. Reply in Sinhala or English with horoscope and family details to email only. mproposal1289@gmail.com
US Citizen Sinhala B/G parents looking for a suitable bride for their son,only within California (Los Angeles is preferred) including girls who hold student visas. He is only child,29 years old,5’11’’,BA Degree in Physiology,working in a government agency. Please kindly reply to: 66067prop@gmail.comwith your contact phone number of parents.
1989 November born,5’10” Lawyer Law Lecturer Company Director son. Respectable Govi Buddhist Senior Lawyer parents in Colombo suburbs seek slim pleasant good charactered Lawyer or Law student daughter. His horoscope is non-malefic. Only Lady Lawyers and Law students please. 011-2236968,dcha35422@gmail.com
1989 Nov. 5’8” fair handsome kind Engineer son educated in Colombo leading school,employed in multi national company. Buddhist professional parents in Colombo suburbs seek fair pleasant slim educated virtuous daughter (not the eldest) from respectable family. Age 28 or less. Elder sister doctor married. Inherits valuable assets. Send horoscope with family details. Email: proposal89sn@gmail.com
1994 April,5’10”,Kandyan,Buddhist,Govi,medium complexioned,son,studied in Kandy,BSc.,MSc. in Civil Engineering from a foreign university,now works as an Engineer in Colombo private company. Younger sister doing MSc. Both parents are university Lecturers. Son’s Kuja 7. Send your family details and copy of horoscope. Email : sonsproposals20@gmail.com
1995 January,5’6”,Panadura,Buddhist,Salagama,studied in a leading Colombo school,BSc Quantity Surveyor,employed in a private company,inherits assets,NS/TT,employed parents seeking an educated suitable daughter. Only sister LLB graduate. Please send details with horoscope. Email: prop1995wp@gmail.com(caste immaterial).
1995 June,Christian,6 ft. tall,NS/TT,dual citizen living in UK with parents,graduated in 2017 and pursuing his Masters Degree. Inherits substantial assets both in the UK and in Sri Lanka including a reputed family business. He has grown up with Sinhala Buddhist values and we are looking for a kind-hearted,well-mannered daughter living in UK for a relationship leading to a marriage. Please send us the horoscope and all the information to : marriageproposal91@outlook.com