Major General Senanayake appointed Chief of Staff | Sunday Observer

Major General Senanayake appointed Chief of Staff

26 March, 2017

Major General N.U.M.M.W Senanayake RWP RSP USP psc, currently serving as Commander Security Forces - Jaffna (SFHQ-J), has been appointed as the 50th Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army. Major General Mahesh Senanayake is also the Colonel of the Regiment, Special Forces..

Major General Mahesh Senanayake, a fine product of Ananda College, Colombo enlisted in the Sri Lanka Army on 16 October 1981 and followed the Officer Cadet Intake 16.. On successful completion of his training, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and passed out 1st in order of Merit and won the Sword of Honor.

He was subsequently posted to the 1st Engineer Regiment on 23 June 1983 and also had the privilege of serving as the Troop Commander/Squadron Commander in the Sri Lanka Army Plant Engineer Regiment.

In 1989, Major General Senanayake volunteered for an inter unit transfer and joined the Regiment of Special Forces to hold the appointment of Squadron Commander of 1st Special Forces Regiment, and later on to command the 3rd Special Forces Regiment which was instrumental in introducing the LRRP concept to the Sri Lanka Army as the war was taking a decisive turn. Here he showed his prowess as a brilliant combat strategist and a leader of his troops.

He has also held the staff appointment of Colonel General Staff, 52 Division and Brigadier General Staff at the Security Force Headquarters, Jaffna, during the most intense phases of the humanitarian operations before May 2009.

Major General Senanayake, during his magnificent military career has also held a number of appointments, including Directing Staff at the Army Command and Staff College (DSCSC) and Director Plans during which time the Humanitarian Operations against terrorists were at their peak in that critical hour of history. Major General Senanayake has actively contributed to almost all the major military operations, conducted in the North and East of Sri Lanka during an unblemished career of more than 30 years.

Major General Senanayake is a graduate of the prestigious United States Army Command and General Staff College. Besides, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the Jawaharlal Nehru University of India.

In recognition of his outstanding gallantry in the theatre of combat, Major General Senanayake was awarded the Rana Wickrama Padakkama (RWP), Rana Soora Padakkama (RSP) several times and the Uththama Seva Padakkma (USP) for his unblemished service to the Army.
