BRIDEGROOMS | Sunday Observer


29 November, 2020

Able B/​G Colombo Lawyer parents seek academically qualified daughter living in Australia for their handsome young looking never married Software Engineer son who is an Australian citizen. Educated at a leading private school in Mt. Lavinia. He is 42 years old. TT/​NS. Reply with horoscope,​full family details and contact telephone number. Email: e​p​r​o​p​3​3​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Absolutely beautiful daughter is sought by mother for my younger son 39 years K/​G Buddhist truly handsome 5’7” studied at a leading college in Colombo. Good family background. Owning 10 acre coconut land and a house (Minuwangoda). Production Executive at an International company. Divorced after a short marriage. Innocent party,​no children and no encumbrances. Differences immaterial. Prefers a fair pretty daughter below 37. Please reply to 2​0​1​9​m​p​g​r​o​o​m​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified daughter below 36,​preferably living in the USA,​is sought by G/​B retired parents from Colombo suburbs,​for their son 38,​5’8”,​BSc. MSc. Software Manager Engineer in USA,​having Aswida nekatha and Shani mangala Yogaya in the horoscope. He is legally separated from a proposed and hurriedly arranged two months marriage as the innocent party. No encumbrances. Reply with family details and the horoscope. Email: b​o​g​a​m​u​w​a​8​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified well-brought up daughter is sought by Govt Buddhist business family for our son (1989) who is currently pursuing doctorate studies at University of Cambridge in the UK. He is 5’7” NS/​TT and has graduated from University of Moratuwa (BSc. Eng) and plans to come to Sri Lanka soon. Brother and sister are engineering students. Kindly reply with details to p​r​o​p​8​9​0​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Academically and professionally qualified,​pleasant pretty daughter is sought by B/​G/​V parents living in Colombo suburbs for their handsome son 31y,​5’11” Australian citizen,​Mechanical Engineer works at a reputed firm. Please reply with family details,​horoscope. Email: r​a​m​y​a​c​o​l​o​m​b​o​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically qualified pretty daughter is sought by parents from North Western Province for their only son,​CIMA and BSc qualified Executive working in Business Development,​26 yrs,​5’10” tall,​handsome with sober habits. Please reply r​p​k​c​s​7​8​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Academically qualified slim pretty bride is sought by professional parents for elder son,​an Australian qualified Electrical and Electronic Engineer,​born in June 1994,​5 feet and 10 inch height,​presently living and working in Melnbourne,​expecting permanent residency in Australia. Studied in a leading school in Colombo and a taltented musician. Family residing in Kurunegala,​father is a senior medical doctor in government sector,​younger brother is studying medicine overseas. Buddhist Govi Karawa family. Parents expect a well mannered kind hearted daughter above 5 feet 3 inches height,​from a respectable family,​residing in Sri Lanka or Australia (Engineering,​Medicine,​IT or Business Management is preferable). Please kindly reply with family details,​and a copy of the horoscope of the daughter. (Email: s​i​s​i​l​a​s​a​6​4​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​)

Academically & professionally qualified pretty daughter is sought by B/​G parents from Colombo for their smart son,​31 years old,​5’9”,​studied at a top Buddhist school,​foreign graduate,​BBA,​MBA. Canadian citizen working at a finance institute. Caste immaterial. Email: k​a​l​p​a​a​n​i​w​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Affluent Buddhist Vishwa 39 years Royalist MBBS Government doctor serving in Colombo for son suitable compatible partner is sought,​legally separated after brief marriage. No encumbrances. h​t​b​2​0​2​0​@​h​o​t​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

An educated pretty slim daughter from a respectable family is sought by Buddhist Karawa respectable well-to-do parents in Colombo suburbs for their handsome son 33 5’8” NS/​TT working as a government university Lecturer in Science. Inherits substantial assets. Caste immaterial. Email: m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​2​0​2​1​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Auckland NZ,​permanent Government employee at Auckland Council - Controlled Oranization,​graduated in Management (International Hospitality),​our son 31,​5’10” is a permanent resident of New Zealand. Only brother lives in Australia. Parents (Sinhala Buddhists) live in Colombo. Please indicate contact number. Email m​p​r​o​p​n​z​l​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Australia - parents seek academically qualified daughter in Perth for son 31 years,​5’6” residing in Perth. v​i​n​c​y​.​p​e​r​e​r​a​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​. 0812570875.

A bride around the age of 25 Buddhist caste immaterial with a qualified educational background willing to migrate is sought by Sri Lankan parents living in Europe (Austria) for professionally qualified son 29 years height 5’4”. Reply with family details & the horoscopes could be mutually exchanged. Email: j​a​y​a​n​t​h​a​n​i​s​k​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A fifty year old divorcee Muslim gent wealthy businessman looking for a partner between 35 - 40 caste creed immaterial. p​u​b​l​i​c​w​a​t​c​h​s​l​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A kind hearted and educated daughter with Buddhist values is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia dual citizen for their son who was born in 1995 December. 5’7”. Working as a Junior Accountant Graduated in Accounting and Finance and currently studying for CPA. Well brought up family and Buddhist values. Australia preferred. Pl. reply with horoscope to: n​o​r​t​h​g​a​t​e​p​r​o​p​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A never-married University Senior Lecturer PhD (North America) (expecting Professorial position),​son of respectful G/​13 Principal parents,​seeks never-married,​pretty,​slim,​healthy bride born after 1980 (only) with a decent character and permanent job as bride. Born 1971 (looks 35 years),​he is non-smoker,​teetotaller,​good-looking and dedicated buddhist down-to-earth with many national and international professional contacts. Approximately another 20-year service at the University. Marriage delayed purely due to education and as did not find compatible partner. General compatibility of horoscopes and good mutual understanding are expected. Thula lagna. Budha,​Shani 7. Bodu,​Govi only please. m​a​r​r​y​p​r​o​p​2​0​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A pleasant tall daughter sought by G/​B mother for PhD qualified healthy son,​6ft tall,​born in 1973 with sober habits. Employed in the USA legally separated after very brief marriage with no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope and details. u​s​a​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​3​3​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

A pretty fair well mannered graduate or undergraduate daughter sought by G/​B parents from Colombo for their handsome son 26 5’4” N/​S T/​T working as a Project Engineer in Australia,​PR expect non-malefic horoscope. Reply with family details and horoscope a​d​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A suitable partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents living in the UK (British citizens) for their son who was born in the UK. He is 29 yrs old and 5’7”. He has a UK university degree,​also CIMA qualified and currently working as a Senior Financial Analyst in London. We are looking for academically and professionally qualified daughter,​born and living in the UK with caring,​well brought-up family and Buddhist values. Please send horoscope and family details if you are residing in UK to: p​r​o​p​1​9​9​1​2​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

A suitable well mannered daughter is sought by B/​G parents for their well established son born in 1986,​5’10”. He has done university studies in Australia and currently working as an Electrical Engineer abroad. He is legally separated from a brief marriage as plaintiff. Please reply with full details and horoscope. Email - m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​5​9​4​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Buddhist parents from Colombo seek pretty well-mannered daughter for their son born in 91 June (29 years) inherits substantial amount of assets. He is very handsome well-mannered MSc (Computer Science) from Moratuwa Campus. Holds Software Engineer post in a reputed government company. Educated parents. Caste differences are immaterial. Write with horoscope to email: p​p​c​c​2​5​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Buddhist parents residing in Colombo suburbs seek an academically professionally qualified daughter for their Australian citizen son graduated from a leading Australian University and employed in an MNC as an Electrical Engineer,​born in 1984 September 5’9”,​N/​S,​T/​T,​fair and handsome. Please respond with the horoscope. m​.​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​7​5​1​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

B/​G parents from Colombo suburb seeking a pleasant fair slim daughter below 34 years for their very handsome fair young-looking caring son who is 35 years 5’8” tall degree holder. IT consultant in a reputed multi-national company in Sri Lanka,​educated abroad. Fluent in English and Spanish. Having two elder brothers both married graduates,​one in NZ,​cultured foreign nationals also considered. Divorced from 7 month incompatible marriage as plaintiff no encumbrances. Please reply with full clear horoscope and family details in the first letter,​religion caste immaterial. Email: m​p​r​o​p​4​5​7​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

B/​G/​K parents Colombo seek slim attractive religious educated daughter for son Anandian 34 yrs. 5’6” N/​S T/​T PhD (IT) Australian citizen working as Associate Professor at reputed university in Australia. Inherits assets. Proposals from Australia are preferred. Reply with horoscope. Email: n​.​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​2​0​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Catholic Sinhalese parents from Melbourne seek an educated & well-mannered daughter for their son,​31yrs,​kind-hearted,​slim & 5’5”,​who is a tertiary qualified Architect. Raised & educated in Melbourne,​graduating from a leading Australian University and he is employed in the private sector. Please email family details to: m​e​l​b​o​u​r​n​e​s​r​i​l​a​n​k​a​1​2​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Colombo G/​B parents seek a fair pretty daughter specially medical MBBS or Engineer below 28 for smart fair caring son born September 1992,​5’7”. He is manufacturing /​industrial BSc Engineer working in US in producing cardiac appliances. Horoscope & family details in first letter please. g​s​e​d​i​r​i​s​i​n​g​h​e​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Colombo,​Sinhala Catholic parents seek pleasant,​fair & educated daughter from respectable family for academically & professionally qualified smart son studied at a leading Catholic School in Colombo. He is well employed at a reputed private bank in a managerial position,​1994/​8 born,​5’10” height. Owns a vehicle and will inherit substantial amount of assets. Email: p​a​r​t​n​e​r​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​1​9​9​4​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

GB professional parents in UK seek pretty,​fair,​slim well brought up daughter for Doctor son. He is a UK qualified Doctor with MBBCH and MRCP Pediatrics and now he is undergoing training in General Practice. He just turned 34 years of age,​and is 5ft 11ins tall,​kind-hearted,​loving,​good natured,​NS/​TT with excellent character and brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. He has his own house and will inherit assets in UK & Sri Lanka. Please reply with photograph,​family details and horoscope. Email - m​a​n​g​a​l​a​2​0​1​4​@​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​.​c​o​m

G/​B affluent respectable established business partners seek a suitable daughter for their son born in 1988 height,​5’11”,​NS/​TT,​an old Thomian,​higher studies up to MBA,​sole proprietor of his established business. E-mail p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​1​9​9​9​@​o​u​t​l​o​o​k​.​c​o​m

G/​B parents of a respectable family in Melbourne seek a professionally qualified,​well-mannered daughter for their only son 1992,​6’ graduated from Monash University with a double degree in Engineering and Commerce. He is currently working as an IT Specialist. He also has substantial assets both in Sri Lanka and Australia. Please reply with horoscope and family details to: k​g​m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

G/​B respectable parents from Colombo suburb seek a well mannered pretty daughter for 30+ handsome son (5’11” Royalist) completed BBA from a foreign University and working for a multinational company overseas,​willing to settle in Sri Lanka or overseas. Please reply with family details F/​B,​horoscope to p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​1​9​9​0​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Kandy Govi Buddhist parents seek an academically professionally qualified well brought up pleasant daughter below 30 years preferably from Australia or willing to migrate for their son born in 1989 5’8” tall Australia PR holder living in Sydney Australia who is currently working for a reputed IT firm while managing his own business. He inherits substantial assets in Sri Lanka and owns a house in the city of Sydney. Kindly reply with family details and horoscope. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​8​9​3​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Respectable B/​G family from Colombo with well mannered 2 sons NS/​TT (born and brought up overseas) elder son 1989 /​5’8” completed his MBA and Bachelors from UK universities,​consulting on Data Science,​locally and internationally and prefers to reside in Sri Lanka,​younger son 1990/​5’9” Bachelors and Masters from UK Universities working abroad as an automotive Engineer. We are looking for pleasant well mannered kind caring educated daughter below 28 yrs. from B/​G family with Sinhala Buddhist values,​kindly email with family details,​contact numbers & horoscope. n​a​t​h​5​p​e​r​e​r​a​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Respectable B/​K parents seek a pretty,​well mannered and educated daughter for our son born in 1989 January,​Handsome 5.8” academically and professionally qualified in Accounting,​employed in a well reputed company in Australia. Please forward family details /​horoscope to: d​g​k​u​m​a​r​i​2​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Roman Catholic parents from Colombo suburbs seek a pretty and educated daughter from a respectable family for son born 1986 Manager at a reputed company. He is both academically and professionally qualified. Please respond with details. Email: t​d​a​j​s​1​2​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Seeks slim graduated daughter currently studying or willing to study (Australia,​Canada) by Ambalangoda 1991,​5’4”,​slim NS/​TT,​Govt. Employee,​management graduate (UOC),​brother - Chef,​England,​Sister nurse,​Australia. Reply those who ignore family background,​caste,​horoscope not compulsory. h​a​r​s​h​i​k​a​r​u​k​m​a​l​9​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Sinhala Catholic retired parents seek educated pretty kind daughter living in UK for their son born and living in England 1979 5’8” fair handsome IT Engineer holds PhD MSc from Oxford earns good salary,​brother doctor in Canada divorced recently no kids. Reply by post or p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​1​1​2​0​@​h​o​t​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Sinhala Catholic /​Buddhist parents seek daughter for son born 1989 November height 5’8” having a degree in Electronic Engineering,​CIMA,​ACMA and is holding a senior managerial position. Email: w​p​r​o​p​2​2​3​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Western Province Govi Catholic retired father seeks a fair slim partner for their son born in 1980,​5’5” handsome,​graduate Government teacher qualified with special degree in IT. NS/​TT. He inherits substantial assets and house. Email: p​e​r​u​k​m​a​l​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​Tel. 011-2235156.

1986 Galle Buddhist Vishwakula Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer 5’4” drawing six figure salary BSc MBA graduate owns house land and motor car. Parents seek suitable partner with Kuja Dosha. Caste immaterial. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​g​a​l​l​e​1​9​8​6​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

1989 Nov,​5’8” fair handsome kind Engineer son educated in leading school in Colombo,​employed in multi national company. Buddhist professional parents in Colombo suburbs seek fair pleasant slim educated virtuous daughter from respectable family. Only elder sister doctor married. Inherit valuable assets. Send horoscope with family details. Email p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​8​9​s​n​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

1993 December,​Bodu Govi well-respected affluent family,​father a University Professor and mother a Teacher in a leading girls’ school,​seek a well-mannered,​caring and honest daughter for their educated,​handsome,​well-mannered son. Height 5’9”,​and he is working as an Executive in a reputed firm. Early education in Royal College,​Colombo and is a graduate in Business Management. Only sister is married to an affluent educated family. Proposed son inherits properties and assets exceeding 250 million located in Colombo and Galle Districts. Please contact with horoscope and complete family details of similar caste and stature. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​_​2​0​2​0​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

24-29 aged,​fair & pretty daughter is sought by mother for her son residing in Melbourne,​Australian citizen,​Sri Lankan born,​legally divorced with no encumbrance. Final year students too are considered. Please write who are in Melbourne to m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​a​u​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

38 year old B/​G Doctor working in Western Europe looking for a Bride. 5ft 10 in height,​with sober habits from a good upper middle class family from Colombo. Never married. Please reply to p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​0​1​0​1​1​8​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​
