Education Ministry to keep an eye on Big Matches | Sunday Observer

Education Ministry to keep an eye on Big Matches

5 March, 2017

With numerous allegations levelled against Big Matches, the Education Ministry will send observers to all matches that will take place this month. A circular to the effect has been distributed among schools.

Speaking to the Sunday Observer, a member of the Royal–Thomian joint committee said they have been informed that observers from the Ministry will attend the matches as per the circular and all arrangements have been made to accommodate the request of the Ministry. “When issuing passes to service providers we adopt a mechanism where they are heavily scrutinized and we are notified well before the event as to who will participate and from which service provider,” he said.

Whoever wishes to obtain a pass to enter the premises as a service provider is required to make an application with photographs to the official website. After all the data is gathered it is vetted and signed by the relevant officer in charge. Following which it is submitted to the joint committee.

After the selection process is completed, the service providers are given a pass and a zone is designated to each service provider. They are only allowed to operate within the demarcated area.

The joint committee according to the committee member who shared details in anonymity, said that it has existed for many years and consists of approximately 60 members in total, which includes the heads of both schools. The head prefects and the prefects of both schools also assist the joint committee. Although we have seen in previous occasions where dancers, cheer leaders both local and foreign, performed during Big Matches, it was clarified that no separate passes are given for that per se and it is mostly through private organizers.

“A majority of the tickets which is about 90 percent of total tickets is given to private tents and they bring their bands, cheerleaders etc,” he said.

The Sunday Observer learns that some people have made arrangements to introduce belly dancers into spectator’s tents this year.
