Maliban supports IDH Hospital | Sunday Observer

Maliban supports IDH Hospital

3 May, 2020

Maliban Biscuit Manufactories  donated cold storage facilities and medical equipment recently to treat infected patients, at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Hospital (IDH) to support combating the killer virus.

Managing Director of Maliban, Mrs. Kumudika Fernando,  Group CEO of Maliban, Ravi Jayawardena, Director of IDH Hospital, Dr. Hasitha Aththanayaka and Deputy Director of IDH Hospital. Dr. (Mrs.) Chintha Sooriyarachchi were also present.

Maliban supplied the hospital staff with snacks such as Yahaposha, biscuits and tea, to help sustain their energy while being on the frontlines of the pandemic.

Maliban also aided the ManusathDerana program with its products recenty.

Group CEO of Maliban Ravi Jayawardena said, “During this critical period, IDH provides an incredible service to all Sri Lankan citizens. On behalf of the Maliban Group, it is a great pleasure to be able to donate to IDH and its valued staff. We really appreciate the efforts made by all staff members and I humbly request all Sri Lankans to help them as much as possible during this period.”
