The reputed pot of curd of Ruhunu-Magampattu now remains sans its reputation due to various reasons.
The newcomers to the industry have tarnished the image of the Ruhunu-Magampattu curd by deviating from traditional methods of production.
According to traditional curd manufacturers, a certain quantity of cow’s milk should be blended to prepare a genuine pot of curd. They point out that there is an acute shortage of cow’s milk during the drought periods resulting in a lack of grass for the cattle. The shortage of fodder leads to a low supply of milk.
The curd industry in Ruhuna is on the verge of collapse due to lack of grazing fields and fodder for the cattle. The lands allocated for grazing in Ruhnu-Magampattu have been converted into agricultural lands with the blessings of local politicians and as a result, the cattle owners have been compelled to leave their cattle to stray to find their fodder.
This has posed a threat to the owners of agricultural land and home gardens as stray cattle destroy the cultivations. On the other hand, they lodge complaints with the police asking for compensation from cattle owners for the destruction caused to their cultivations and home gardens.
Park wardens of the respective National Parks in the area have prohibited cattle from straying in the parks. The owners of cattle say they have no alternative, but to look for other occupati23ons to keep their home fires burning. There are instances where entire herds are sold to slaughterhouses under such circumstances.