Guru Gedara starts tomorrow | Sunday Observer

Guru Gedara starts tomorrow

19 April, 2020

In an attempt to support the education of schoolchildren the Government is to launch, Guru Gedara a new television channel dedicated to education, tomorrow. 

The TV channel to be opened in collaboration with Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation will have study programs on the GCE AL stream covering the subjects Sinhala, Tamil, Geography, Political Science, Buddhist Culture, Accounting, Business Studies, Economics, Combined Maths, Chemistry, Physics, BioScience, Technology for science, Engineering Technology, Bio-systems Technology, Agriculture and Information & Communication Technology. 

In addition, educational programs on GCE O/L subjects - Sinhala, Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science and History will also be conducted in this channel. 

On the inaugural day educational programs will be telecasted from 8 am to 7 pm and 10 pm to 12midnight. However, from April 21 onwards these programs will be played after 4 pm every day.
