Thinakaran supplement issued in Batticaloa | Sunday Observer

Thinakaran supplement issued in Batticaloa

19 February, 2017
Thinakaran editorial staff honoured with golden shawls.

The Thinakaran newspaper issued free, a 76-page supplement Maddakkalappu Theynaga Ulah with its February 16 issue in the Batticaloa district, to safeguard the cultural, religious, and architectural treasures and development of the Batticaloa district.

The inauguration of Gam Nagara Charikawa was conducted on Wednesday, February 15 at the Batticaloa Town Hall in the presence of senior managers of the ANCL, the Thinakaran editorial and the regional media personnel.

Parliamentarians, Provincial Ministers, Batticaloa Government Agent and representatives from other organizations were also present where the Thinakaran editorial board and the regional media personnel were honoured with golden shawls and mementos.

