The Ministry of Education will conduct raids on school canteens in Kurunegala and Puttalam districts during the months of February and March acting on complaints by parents and past pupils.
The canteen owners are reported to be selling unwholesome, and poor-quality eatables to students.
“Most of the food items are not fit for human consumption and such food items and artificial soft drinks should not be allowed to be sold at school canteens. Specific circulars in that regard have been issued by the Ministry of Education in the past. However, they are ignored and violated by the caterers placing putting the students health in jeopardy.
“School heads too have been instructed to supervise the canteens on a regular basis.
“A team of 40 senior education officials with 20 PHIs would be deployed to crack down on such school canteens and errant canteen owners would be taken to task”, said, W.M. Balasooriya, Senior Director of Education, Kurunegala told the ‘Sunday Observer’ recently.