The Sri Lanka Wrestling Federation (SLWF) is at the receiving end of several allegations of mismanagement in all aspects of administration of the sport.
According to the Colombo Wrestling Association (CWA) the SLWF has failed to submit their financial report for the past two years. They have not even conducted the annual general meeting and a selection committee does not exist for the past two years.
Speaking to the Sunday Observer HM Luxman, Secretary of the CWA, said that according to the Ministry of Sports Gazette notice dated 2017-02-13 XVI, all Sports Federations affiliated to the Ministry should appoint a selection committee to select sportsmen and women for international tournaments.
But up to date the SLWF has not appointed a selection committee and the selections are done by Chamara Malawarachchi who is the General Secretary of the SLWF.
Government funds are alleged to be misused by the current Committee while wrestlers of sub standard are picked for international meets meaning only wrestlers from Colombo are considered over athletes from the suburbs or provinces.
“We made an official complaint over the mismanagement of affairs to the Ministry of Sports but no action has been taken. This is because the person who is supposed to investigate the matter is RB Wickremasinghe, the deputy director of sports who has a close association with the current committee of the Federation,” charged HM Luxman.
“Wickremasinghe who has close contacts with nine sports federations played a key role in obtaining votes during the elections of the National Olympic Committee.
“He was also a coach at the Sri Lanka Weightlifting Federation. Now he favours these nine sports with wrestling being one of them,” added Luxman.
Taking note of the activities of the SLWF most wrestlers are reported to have deserted camp during foreign tours under the current management.
On one occasion the embassy of France rejected all Sri Lankan applications for visas for the World Wrestling Championship in 2017 after it had come to light that five wrestlers had deserted camp during the last World meet in the USA and Hungary in 2015 and 2016.
Several complains have been made to the Sports Ministry but no action has been taken yet.