Chamber of Commerce delegates brief Premier | Sunday Observer

Chamber of Commerce delegates brief Premier

5 May, 2019
A delegation of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce led by Chairman Rajendra Theagarajah along with tourism leaders met Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe recently to discuss the concerns of the business community after the Easter Sunday terror attacks. They brought issues to his attention and proposed measures to resolve them.

The Prime Minister assured the delegation that the government is taking steps to ensure public security. He said the threat remained until all suspects connected to the attacks are apprehended.

The business delegation called for a strong security establishment and security infrastructure.

They stressed the importance of greater cooperation between political leaders to combat the danger.

They called for a daily security briefing to the public by an official spokesperson to clarify matters and prevent confusion and the spread of rumours.

The Prime Minister praised the security establishment and intelligence units for their work.
