The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament MP Ananda Kumarasiri told the Sunday Observer that the special Parliamentary Committee to inquire in to the clashes which occurred inside the Parliament chamber on November 14, 15 and 16 last year, will begin work on March 11.
The Committee appointed by the Speaker Karu Jayasuriya consists of 12 members and will be chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs Thilak Marapana.
“They will go through the report and see whether there is a need for allowing members of the Parliament who have been named to come before the Committee. But it will depend on the committee members” said the Deputy Speaker.
During the clashes, the Speaker, Police and Parliamentarians were attacked with chairs and books by other members of the house. An MP was seen attacking others with chilli powder while another was seen brandishing a knife, in the CCTV footage.
Whereas the CID is to take legal action against the serious offences -which fall under the category of crimes, and occurred during the Parliament clashes, this Committee will look in to minor offences with the intention of resolving them within the House.
Soon after the Parliament clashes, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya appointed a committee headed by Deputy Speaker Ananda Kumawarasiri to probe in to the clashes and name Parliamentarians who are responsible for the disgraceful incident.
Later, on January 22nd, the committee report, which had examined CCTV footage and eye witness statements,was handed to the Speaker. It was also reported that damage to Parliament property during the brawl between ‘honourable’ MPs is estimated to be around Rs. 325,000.