St. John’s Church in Kandy organised a Christmas backdrop to convey the message of Jesus Christ to the community to mark Christmas.
The event was for people to understand the birth and life of Jesus Christ according to the realities of the current world and to provide an opportunity for the people in the neighbourhood to experience and enjoy Christmas. The event was attended by families and business people, both Christians and non Christians, along with Buddhist monks who attended as invitees.
Church members designed various presentations related to Christmas according to their talents and ability, and children sang carols. It was an event where Christians shared the joy of the Christ Child’s birth with the rest of the neighbouring community promoting brotherhood and harmony. Buddhist monks spoke at the event emphasizing the importance of brotherhood among members of different religions and the initiative of the church was widely appreciated by everyone.
A nativity scene representing all those involved in the birth of the Christ Child was created to convey the importance of everyone related to Jesus Christ’s birth.
One group had created a sleigh carrying Santa Claus loaded with gifts to reflect the nature of Christmas which provides the gift of happiness, and another group had created Jesus Christ’s life in the form of picture stories and placed them around a rotating Christmas tree to explain the life of Jesus Christ to the people. The neighbourhood community was highly appreciative about organising an event of this nature by the church since it allowed them to learn more about Christianity and values which Jesus Christ taught to the world.
- Vishwa Auwardt