The Northern Province of Sri Lanka has manifested itself as a resilient area, having withstood the vicissitudes and victories of life. Arriving at Vasavilan, we made a visit to the area known as Achchuveli. The serene village was once famous for printing - many opine that the first printing press in the North was installed by the late priest Father Gnanapragasam.
The Tamil word for printing is derived from “Atchu’- hence, Achuveli, the town of printing. Today, there isn’t a single printing press here, but all that remains at the old St. Joseph’s church is a gold coloured statue of the late prudent priest Father Gnanapragasam - who excelled in 18 languages, one of the best linguists of his era, in Asia. Driving further along the road we stopped to meet my friend Father Jeban at the Rosarian Monastery. He had arranged for us to visit the Carmelite Convent and the School of St. Theresa.
As we approach the gates to the Convent, we are able to hear the voices of a few children. The senior Catholic nun, Sister Bernice greets us and asks us to be seated. Traditionally, the Carmelite fraternity is clad in brown with a black veil, but these nuns are attired in immaculate white. She explains, “The Carmelite Order has a long history, from our origin in France, almost 150 years ago. Later, a Province was set up in India.
With time our sisters came to Sri Lanka and were based in the Trincomalee and Batticaloa areas. We have had a presence in Jaffna for 75 years. You came at the right time son; yesterday we celebrated 75 years in Jaffna.” This is indeed a great milestone for these pious nuns who have endured the dark chapters of conflict, and have kept moving forward. Sister Bernice, who was ordained in 1982, explains further, “Our primary focus is education, we are an apostolic order of sisters.
At present, we operate a montessori for children, and we have almost 60 orphans. At one time we had about 130 children. Most of these children have lost both parents, while a few are from a single parent family. We lavish the love of God on them”.
We now move onto the lush green gardens, where a very young nun greets us. She is Sister Mary Pushpamalar, and seems very popular among the children who rally round her. I stop to talk to this amiable young nun who says, “I chose the Carmelite Order as I wanted to care for these children and teach them.
They look up to us for love and guidance. We are happy to show them the love and grace of God”. I am reminded of the motto of the Carmelite Order which is, ‘God alone suffices’- how true this divine promise stands in this dry and remote land. There are eight devoted sisters assisted by a few female volunteer teachers. As we enter the playground the children run towards me “Good morning, Good morning- God bless you”.
To see these little ones living without malice, hatred or prejudice was such an amazing sight to behold. Clad in red shorts and cream shirts they were like flowers, which brought to my mind a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, ‘The earth laughs with flowers’, and these innocent ones born during the last stages of the bitter conflict wielding such hope was touching, smiling with the fragrance of a thousand flowers. I asked them their names and what they want to become, in terms of future profession.
Four children surprised me by saying, “We want to join the police and the army”. This answer is perhaps due to the children seeing the kind soldiers who interact with them along the Achuveli town. Since 2018 January, the Security Force Head Quarters under the command of Major General Dharshana Hettiarachchi has done good work by distributing school books, school bags, laptops ad bicycles to schools in Jaffna. One little girl points towards Sister Mary and says, ‘I want to be like her’- what a delightful thought from this young little mind- she wants to be a Carmelite nun, for it is they who have cared for her. To let go of worldly attachment is a formidable challenge.
From here Sister Bernice asks us to cross the large garden and enter the school of St. Theresa. The college has 870 children, from Grade 1 to A/L classes. We are ushered into the office of the Principal, Sister Maria Jeevarani, who has held this post since 2016. She explains, ‘I am happy for all the children here. We do our best to give them a holistic education. A majority of these girls come from farming families, but they are keen to study”.
Some of the children in the senior classes pass by glancing at the office. As the bell sounds their interval the children spill out of the classrooms - these are the future daughters of Sri Lanka, vibrant and full of life. These are the children who will influence a new generation.
The Carmelite Order has done a silent but remarkable service to the people of Achuveli. As we prepare to leave the College we walk past the Orphanage. A little girl, Radha, runs along the fence to bid us farewell. It is indeed refreshing to realise that there are no fences in Jaffna anymore. The land is rife with hope and aspirations of prosperity.