SLPA mulls building int’l maritime centre | Sunday Observer

SLPA mulls building int’l maritime centre

1 July, 2018

The Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) is making plans to build an international maritime centre which will involve state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities to attract cruise liners to the Colombo Port, Ports and Shipping Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe said.

“We are now in the process of calling for Expression of Interest (EOIs) from prospective bidders,” the Minister said.

He said the Ministry has decided to fast track the development of Queen Elizabeth Quay, since the current facilities at Sri Lanka’s biggest harbour was not attractive enough for cruise liners and as a result ‘many cruise liners were simply bypassing Sri Lanka’.

The Government is planning a Private Public Partnership (PPP) to develop the international maritime centre, with a globally reputed operator. The Minister said the government is not eyeing any particular company.

“There will be a tender process. There will also be a technical evaluation committee and a Cabinet-appointed negotiation committee. We want to make sure that we offer a level playing field to everyone,” he said.

The Ministry is also expected to present a Cabinet paper shortly seeking formal approval for the SLPA to go ahead with the operationalisation of the East Terminal of the Colombo Port.

The Minister said the long term survival and the sustainability of the SLPA depends on this project. The East Terminal is the only deep water harbour facility at the Colombo Port.

At present, big ships can only be accommodated in the south harbour, run by CICT, a BOT collaboration of China Merchants Holding (International) Co. Ltd., with SLPA having only 15% equity. As a result of a single terminal accommodating the large ships, there is congestion building up. Colombo Port is ranked 23 in the world, in terms of container handling and is ranked 13 in terms of connectivity, making it the leading port in South Asia. - MF 
