The scorching heat caused by the current drought has made life uncomfortable for the animals in the Zoological Gardens, Dehiwala.
Director General of the National Zoological Department, Thilak Premakantha, yesterday told the Sunday Observer that they had installed several showers and sprinklers in the cages and enclosures of the chimpanzees, the Bengal tiger, the jaguar, the bears, and several other animals.
“The animals are seen frequently seeking shelter under these showers to regulate their body temperature, which reflects their instincts,” he said. “The animals prefer to spend their time in the ponds within their enclosures. We fill these ponds up regularly,” he said.
Contrary to concerns about water scarcity during the drought, Premakantha said that there is no water shortage in the Zoo. “We take meticulous care to guarantee that the animals have access to plenty of water,” he said. “Their water intake has increased, and we are attentive to their hydration requirements.”
The avian residents have also adapted to the heat uniquely. “The birds have exhibited a fascinating behaviour where they flutter their feathers, indicating their need for a refreshing shower,” Premakantha said. “We have installed fans and sprinklers to provide a cooling breeze for our feathered friends.”