Director General of Health Dr. Asela Gunawardena said the Health Minister will announce a five-member committee to conduct a full investigation and report on all the deaths that have occurred in government hospitals where allegations have been levelled against the health sector, within the last few months.
He said that five members, including professors, who have extensive knowledge and understanding of both medicine and nursing, as well as allergies, will be included in this expert committee.
He also said that they will conduct a full investigation into all the controversial deaths in government hospitals and submit a report to the minister. Speaking to the media in Kandy the Health DG also said the report given by this committee will be helpful in providing better health services to the people in the hospital system in the country.
He stressed that the expectation of the health sector is to see all the patients who come for treatment return home after recovering from their illnesses. He said that with media reports circulating while identifying certain deaths as suspicious, people may become reluctant to come to hospitals for treatment.
The Director General emphasized that the healthcare provided by the hospitals to the patients has not deteriorated at all.He also stated that after observing the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya Children’s Hospital and Kandy National Hospital, a report containing the information obtained will be provided to the minister.