Part 2:
The Wolf is loose
Chapter 7
Hey there, folks. It’s Florida Man here, and I’m here to talk about the so-called “climate refugees” that are flocking to South Florida. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a compassionate guy and I feel for these people. But the fact of the matter is, they’re here illegally and they’re putting a huge strain on our resources.
These liberal do-gooders up north want to take away our state’s rights and force us to take in these people. But we didn’t cause the climate crisis, so why should we have to bear the burden of it? It’s not our problem, it’s theirs.
And let’s not forget about the crime that’s been spiking since these refugees started pouring in. They’re bringing in drugs and violence, and it’s putting our communities at risk. It’s time to take a stand and protect our citizens.
But what can we do? Well, for starters, we need to secure our borders and make sure these people can’t just waltz in whenever they please. We also need to crack down on the gangs and drug dealers that are preying on our neighborhoods.
And we can’t forget about the most important thing: standing up for our state’s rights. We need to make sure that these bleeding-heart liberals up north can’t take away our sovereignty and force us to do their bidding. We’re Floridians, and we know what’s best for our state.
So let’s come together, folks. Let’s stand up for our communities and our state. Let’s take action to protect ourselves from these climate refugees and the criminals that are among them. We’re not going to back down.
Tom Davidson, the “sub zero” from Edinburgh, and his partner Haruki Suzuki had been living in their bunker for several years now, along with their adopted son, Ian. The bunker was built deep into the ground and had all the necessary equipment for survival, including a water filtration system, hydroponic garden, and generators for power.
Tom had become an expert at improvising and fixing various technologies to make them work in the extreme cold temperatures outside. He had created a system to capture geothermal energy and store it for later use. He also built a system to extract oxygen from the air, and installed an advanced air filtration system to keep the air clean and breathable.
Haruki, on the other hand, was an engineer before the Ice Age crisis and had been instrumental in designing and building the bunker. She was also in charge of the hydroponic garden, where she grew various vegetables and fruits. Haruki had developed a unique way of growing plants using LED lights and nutrient-rich water, which allowed them to have fresh produce even in the coldest of winters.
Despite their comfortable living conditions in the bunker, Tom and Haruki were always worried about the future of their son, Ian. They knew that he had never experienced life outside the bunker and that he might never get the chance to see the world as they once knew it.
Tom’s hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee. Haruki stood at the counter, slicing a loaf of bread made from the bunker’s limited reserves of wheat.
“Do you think it could work?” Tom asked, his eyes fixed on Haruki.
“Using atomic energy to melt the ice caps? Absolutely not,” Haruki says, her tone firm. “It’s too risky. We have no idea what kind of long-term effects it could have on the environment.”
“But we’re running out of options,” Tom says, his voice rising. “We can’t keep living like this forever. The bunker can’t sustain us indefinitely.”
Haruki sets down the knife and turns to face Tom. “I know that. But we have to be careful. We don’t want to make things worse than they already are.”
Tom sighs and takes a sip of his coffee. “You’re right. I just feel so helpless sometimes.” Haruki steps over to the table and puts a comforting hand on Tom’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
Tom nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Thanks, love. You’re the only one who keeps me sane in this crazy world.”
Haruki chuckles. “I try my best. Now, let’s finish breakfast and get to work. We’ve got a lot to do today.”
Tom nods and takes another sip of his coffee, feeling a bit more optimistic about their situation. They may be living in a frozen wasteland, but as long as he has Haruki and Ian by his side, he knows they can make it through anything.
Haruki turned to call out to their son, “Ian, it’s time for breakfast, come on out!”
Tom rubbed his hands together to warm them up and turned to Haruki, “So what are your thoughts on my idea?”
Haruki walked over to the kitchenette and began to prepare breakfast as she replied, “Tom, you know my thoughts on nuclear energy. It’s too dangerous, and we don’t want to make the same mistakes as before.”
Tom sighed, “But we’re running out of options. We’ve tried everything else to survive, and the only way to reverse the ice age is to create an artificial thaw. We need to think big.”
Haruki turned to him, a hint of frustration in her voice, “But at what cost, Tom? We can’t risk another nuclear disaster, especially in our situation.”
Tom nodded reluctantly, “I know, I know. It’s just that sometimes it feels like we’re stuck down here with no way out.”
Haruki placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of Tom and sat down across from him, “We’re not stuck, Tom. We’re survivors. And we have each other and Ian. That’s what matters.”
Ian, a bright-eyed eight-year-old, bounded into the room and took a seat next to his parents, “What are you guys talking about?”
Tom ruffled Ian’s hair, “Oh, just some grown-up stuff. Hey, do you have any more questions about the world before the snow?” Ian’s eyes lit up, “Yeah! What was it like? Did you see palm trees and beaches? And did you have ice cream every day?”
Tom chuckled, “Well, it wasn’t like that all the time. But we did have some warm places and plenty of ice cream.”
Haruki smiled at the innocence of their son’s questions, “But things were also very different back then. There were a lot more people and we had different problems to deal with.”
Ian furrowed his brow, “What kind of problems?”
Tom looked at Haruki before responding, “Well, for starters, we had a lot of pollution, and the air wasn’t as clean as it is now.”
Ian looked thoughtful for a moment, “That sounds bad. But at least you could go outside whenever you wanted, right?”
Tom sighed, “Yeah, we could. But we didn’t appreciate it as much as we should have. We took a lot of things for granted.”
Haruki placed her hand on Tom’s shoulder, “But now we know better. And we’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that we can leave this bunker and give you a better world to live in, Ian.”
Ian beamed at his parents, “I know you will! You guys are the best!”