Litro gas prices below Rs. 3,000 from midnight today | Sunday Observer

Litro gas prices below Rs. 3,000 from midnight today

4 July, 2023

Litro Gas Lanka has announced the reduction of the prices of the domestic Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas cylinders with effect from midnight today (04).

Following the price reduction, the price of a 12.5 kg cylinder of LP gas will be below Rs.3,000, said Litro Gas Lanka Chairman Muditha Peiris. Litro Gas Lanka last reduced LP Gas prices on June 4. The significant reduction in the price of LP Gas has been attributed to the drop in prices in the world market and the appreciation of the Sri Lankan Rupee against the US Dollar.

Peiris meanwhile said that with the latest price reduction, the LP Gas prices in Sri Lanka can come down to what it was before the onset of the severe financial crisis.

He said, Litro always strives to reduce prices depending on the market conditions and pass on the benefit to the public.

During the previous price revision, the price of a 12.5kg cylinder was reduced by Rs. 452 to Rs. 3,186, while the 05kg cylinder was reduced by Rs. 181 to Rs. 1,281, and the 2.3kg cylinder was reduced by Rs. 83 to Rs. 598.
