Green supermarket opens in Nugegoda | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Green supermarket opens in Nugegoda

2 July, 2023
Laugfs Supermarkets CEO Pravin David and Senior Manager Marketing  Haritha Indeepaay at the branch opening
Laugfs Supermarkets CEO Pravin David and Senior Manager Marketing  Haritha Indeepaay at the branch opening

Sri Lanka’s first green super market with large live trees inside it, was opened at Stanley Tilakaratna Mawatha, Nugegoda by Laugfs Supermarkets on Friday.

Creating a green ambience, Laugfs Supermarkets as the next step would replace their electricity powered refrigerators with solar powered ones, said Laugfs Supermarkets Chief Executive Officer, Pravin David.

Asked if they would have their own farms and fruit and vegetable plantation he answered in the negative.

He said that they are now focusing on sourcing most of their merchandise sold at the Supermarket including vegetable and rice direct from farmers thus eliminating the middleman and giving a better price to the farmers.

“We also focus on promoting local manufactures and SMEs by supporting them to grow their businesses and enterprises.”

He said that this was their 38th Laugfs Supermarket and also introduced ‘Sugar & Spice by Crimson, Medz pharmacy and the hot kitchen embody their vision of providing convenience, health, and deliciousness under one roof.”

“We are thrilled to unveil our brand-new supermarket in Nugegoda, which is a testament to the brand’s commitment to providing an exceptional shopping experience to its valued customers. We believe that a great shopping experience goes beyond just products.” The store features an extensive selection of fresh produce, groceries, dairy products, meats, bakery items, household essentials, and premium products.

“Laugfs Supermarkets also operates Sri Lanka’s only 24-hour super market at Havelock Town,” he said.
