New laws to face marine disasters | Sunday Observer

New laws to face marine disasters

18 June, 2023

Senior Advisor to the President on Climate Change, Ruwan Wijewardene has instructed the relevant departments to draw up a draft law that includes the steps to be taken if an incident similar to the ‘X-Press Pearl’ sinking that caused severe damage to the Sri Lankan coastal environment happens again.

It was revealed at a discussion held with officials of the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) and the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) that if an incident such as the ‘X-Press Pearl’ occurs again, there’s a need to take preventive steps.

It has also been decided to prepare a joint mechanism on the protection of the marine environment with the participation of officials of the President’s Office, MEPA and the DMC. Presidential Advisor Wijewardene said that when a problem arises regarding maritime security, all these institutions should coordinate their efforts.

Wijewardene, who has expressed concern about the lack of rules and regulations regarding how to deal with a ship accident even after the X-Press Pearl disaster, has advised officials to draw up new rules in line with international laws. Therefore, it has been decided to prepare a mechanism by bringing together all groups related to maritime conservation and security.
