News in pictures | Sunday Observer

News in pictures

21 May, 2023

Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in India Milinda Moragoda recently held talks with Uttar Pradesh (UP) Chief Minister (CM) Yogi Adithyanath in Lucknow. They discussed strengthening religious, cultural, trade and people-to-people links between Sri Lanka and UP. Here Ambassador Moragoda presenting a Sri Lankan work of art depicting a scene from Buddha’s life to the UP CM. Chief Incumbent of the Sarnath temple in India Ven. R. Sumithananda Thera was also present.

Army Commander Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage and his wife worshiped Anuradhapura Ruwanweli Maha Seya yesterday and invoked blessings from the Maha Sangha. The Army Commander and his wife also visited Chief Incumbent of Ruwanweli Maha Seya and Chancellor of Rajarata University Ven. Etalawetunawawe Gnanathilaka Nayaka Thera and received his blessings.
Text and Pic by Chithrarathna Kaluarachchi,
Hidogama Group Corr.

