Changing roles of leaders in biz organisations | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Changing roles of leaders in biz organisations

14 May, 2023


In life and business world, changes are ever constant. With access to higher education locally and globally, a higher literacy rate, superior technological advancements and globalisation have made drastic changes in Job markets and the business world. Gone are the days where one remained in a clerical staff or junior staff positions until they retired from work.

Job opportunities and job markets have evolved at a supersonic pace since the beginning of this Millennium. However it has come to a grinding halt with the economic, political and social crises. Nothing is forever. These crises too shall move away when true leadership is practised and practical solutions are provided to the needy. The “manager roles” played in the business organisations have become obsolete. Hence, you need to keep abreast with the changes that are taking place locally and globally besides you need to be a “Resolute Leader” in your business organisations.

True leader

“A leader is a person who influences a group of people or nation towards the achievement of a goal.

Steve Jobs defined leadership as “Inspiring people to do things they never thought they could” and in my humble opinion I like to complete it as, “ Inspiring people to do things, “voluntarily” they never thought they could”.

A “L-E-A-D-E-R”, has to lead by example. Enthustiastic, Achiever, Decisive, Encourage team members and Ready to learn and Teach. In order to carry out these functions in business organisations he or she needs to be an effective communicator. You need to be an excellent interpersonal communicator.

A leader has to be bold, charismatic, self-confident, team player, caring and Sharing, Honest, diligent, Empathetic, Transparent in dealings and Manage time wisely and considerate to his or her fellow members. Some are born leaders and others are made as leaders.

The hall mark of a true leader is self mastery.

When working, should success follow the endeavours, it has to be considered as a “Win” and if not it has to be considered as a “Gain”. In other words a lesson learned and experience gained for future success. You cannot be a fickle minded leader during crises. Rather you need to be a Resolute and dynamic leader. Your motto in life has to be, “Be Prepared and think and Act now”.

Your policy in life is to have a “growth mindset”. You should always focus on “Continuous Improvement and Self Development”. You have to follow the cardinal rules during your work life. Those are Responsibility, Respect and Obedience, which are considered as the Triangle of employee duties. Your prime objective has to be on Learning and growing besides developing your team members and the Company businesses.


As future leaders you should further improve and develop the following qualities; accountability, confidence, integrity, humility, resilience, influence, positivity, and active listening. To strive for work excellence, you need to accumulate the art and skills of delegation, decision making, team building, Entrepreneur skills, ability to motivate and inspire team members, responsibility and dependability, strategic and critical thinking, open mindedness, problem solving skills, empowerment, authenticity and self awareness.

Time Management is vital and detrimental for your success and future.

I strongly recommend you to have a “Vision and Mission statement” for your career and life. Ask yourself the following questions right now: Where am I in my career and life now? Where do I want to go in life? How do I get there? How long should I take to reach that particular position? What resources do I need? Who could help me? What are the contingency plans? What will I do after reaching that desired position?

You should have a vibrant plan coupled with goals and objectives. Most importantly “planning is vital for your success”. “Plans are nothing and Planning is everything”.

In marching towards victory as a leader you need to have implicit faith in you, your god and destiny.

I hope that I have opened your eyes to the facts that you need to change your managerial roles to be resolute ,dynamic and resilient leadership roles as well as meaningful and vibrant living. By following the above not only you will be benefitted but also you will have a productive and prosperous life.

To achieve your company goals and objectives you need passion, purpose, painstaking precision and direction. Most importantly, in this challenging business world, you need to be resolute and resilient leaders. Ultimately and eventually you should be able to translate your company vision into reality.

Like cocoons changing to become butterflies, change now as true leaders. Have a “Resolute leadership” to navigate your company’s business to greater heights in spite of the present crises faced by the country.


The writer is a specialist in professional communication and group communication skills.

