G.C.E. A/L answer scripts evaluation Process to be expedited from Monday - Examinations Chief | Sunday Observer

G.C.E. A/L answer scripts evaluation Process to be expedited from Monday - Examinations Chief

6 May, 2023

Examinations Chief Amith Jayasundera yesterday said that evaluation of G.C.E. Advanced Level answer scripts will be expedited from Monday with the opening of 10 more centres.

Jayasundera said that the Department took this decision with an objective of expediting the evaluation process which had already started. Federation of University Teachers Association President Professor Shyam Banneheka yesterday said that university lecturers are ready to start the evaluation process whenever the Commissioner General of Examination informs them.

He said that the Executive Committee of the FUTA met on Thursday evening and decided to begin the evaluation of A/L answer scripts.

Professor Banneheka said that more than 1,300 university lecturers are expected to join in the evaluation process.

He said that according to the notification made by the Presidential Secretariat that a discussion will be given after the President returns to the country and listening to the people’s voices, the Executive Council of the University Doctors’ Association decided to evaluate the answer sheets.

He also said that the FUTA also took the issues faced by the students into serious account. He was hopeful that the evaluation process can be completed soon. The evaluation of the Advanced Level answer scripts was delayed by about two and a half months due to the university teachers engaging in a trade union action since March 9, demanding to ease the Pay As You Earn tax on them.
