Kuveni Palace popular among local and foreign tourists | Sunday Observer

Kuveni Palace popular among local and foreign tourists

23 April, 2023
Nameboard of Wilpattu National Park
Nameboard of Wilpattu National Park

The  ruined Kuveni Palace is a popular place   among    local and  foreign tourists who visit the Wilpattuu National Park.

The  ruins  of  the  palace  are   in  the  Wilpattu National  Park and  according to the chronicles, Prince Vijaya had landed  in the island from the  Kudiramale Point. The Kudiramale Point is the highest place in the Wilpattu National Park.

According to history, Kuveni had been engaged in spinning Kapok. Even today, one can see a large number of kapok trees around this site.

The soil of the area has a copper colour. It is linked with the name given to Sri Lanka - Thambapanni.
