Anti-Terrorism Act, a people-centric Bill - Minister | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Anti-Terrorism Act, a people-centric Bill - Minister

19 April, 2023

Justice, Prisons Affairs and Constitutional Reforms Minister Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe said the proposed Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a progressive and people-centric Bill which has been drafted with the inputs of eminent   lawyers to protect the citizens of the country. He made this observation at the weekly Cabinet media briefing held at the Government Information Department, Minister Rajapakshe said Clauses have been included considering similar laws prevalent in other nations.

The Justice Minister said the Act also removes several powers that have been vested with the Defence Minister under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.

He said the bill has been proposed to safeguard the people of Sri Lanka and not in any way to empower the incumbent or future governments.

The Justice Minister stressed that the government is open to discuss any contentious clauses and amend it accordingly. He said the government has also granted additional time for all factions to challenge the Act in courts.


