Expressways generate over Rs. 70 Mn revenue within 48 hours | Sunday Observer

Expressways generate over Rs. 70 Mn revenue within 48 hours

18 April, 2023

Director General of Road Development Authority L.V.S. Weerakoon said that an income of over Rs. 70 million has been received from vehicles travelling along Expressways during the last 48 hours (till 6 a.m. today). 

He said that 256,225 vehicles had used the Expressways during that period. The Director General said that it is special that there were no fatal accidents but 41 places on the highway were damaged due to the collision of vehicles.

This income has been generated from vehicles travelling on the Southern Expressway, Colombo Outer Circular Road, Colombo - Katunayake Expressway and the Central Expressway on April 15 and 16.


