Expand your vocabulary | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Expand your vocabulary

9 April, 2023

Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.
1. Evanescent
A. fleeting
B. sedate
C. trifling
D. common
2. Proclaim
A. to suggest
B. to declare
C. to refuse
D. to annul
3. Portent
A. surprise
B. hint
C. guess
D. omen
4. Tableau
A. antique
B. message
C. picture
D. writing pad
5. Penultimate
A. last
B. the nearest
C. next to the last
D. the best
6. Artisan
A. craftsman
B. workman
C. deep well
D. amateur
7. Celerity
A. weakness
B. speed
C. pride
D. purity
8. Coalesce
A. to force
B. to reject
C. to unite
D. to depart
9. Deportment
A. division
B. banishment
C. conduct
D. lack of courage
10. Domicile
A. location
B. domestic servant
C. tower
D. dwelling
11. Exotic
A. foreign
B. local
C. secret
D. slimy
12. Fresco
A. recipe
B. painting
C. prescription
D. mirror image
13. Garnish
A. to rebuild
B. to allocate
C. to destroy
D. to decorate
14. Seismic
A. pertaining to an earthquake
B. relating to the universe
C. sudden
D. referring to an anecdote
15. Eulogise
A. to criticise
B. to prove
C. to praise
D. to approve
16. Implement
A. to dismantle
B. to displace
C. to carry out
D. to guide
17. Commonweal
A. composition
B. everyone
C. poor countries
D. common good
18. Jubilant
A. rejoicing
B. proud
C. cheerful
D. long-lasting
19. Forbearance
A. patience
B. impatience
C. pride
D. courage
20. Requiem
A. refusal
B. dirge
C. necessity
D. demand

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. D
18. A
19. A
20. B


10 – 14 Correct:
15 – 17 Correct:
18 – 20 Correct:


