SLSEA to strengthen renewable energy | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

SLSEA to strengthen renewable energy

2 April, 2023
Minister  Kanchana Wijesekera SLSEA Chairman  Ranjith Sepala
Minister Kanchana Wijesekera SLSEA Chairman Ranjith Sepala

The Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA) has been endeavoring to implement the Government policy to achieve 70 percent renewable energy in the National electricity sector by 2030.

Chairman of the SLSEA Ranjith Sepala told the Sunday Observer that one of the major renewable electricity generating programs is the solar power project being implemented under the auspices of an Indian credit line amounting to US$100 million for setting up a roof- top solar panel mainly for the benefit of low-income group families who will get an opportunity to sell the surplus electricity generation to the National grid while maintaining an affordable electricity bill.

“Introduction of renewable energy courses to the national universities will be done by the European Union funded project called Training Hub for renewable energy technologies in Sri Lanka.

Course modules have been developed and validation workshops held. The uploading to the leading management system is in progress.

We have conducted solar training programs in Colombo, Matale, Ampara, Trincomalee, Hambanthota and Nuwara Eliya for more than 1,500 technicians in collaborations with the PUCSL.

Also the ADB funded a five-day training program on renewable energy for 200 engineers at the Industrial Development Board.

The tender of the Indian credit line for the consultancy services of installing solar rooftop systems was awarded to Darashaw Company Private Limited to conduct a detailed feasibility study on the project which is to be completed in 6 months.

Also site visits were made for the construction of hybrid renewable energy systems in small islands in Jaffna.

The first shipment with test equipment for the construction of room air conditioner test facility arrived recently from Busan, South Korea and it is envisaged to establish the room air conditioner test facility at the training centre of the Lanka Electricity Company (PVT) Ltd at Jaela”, the SLSEA Chairman said.

As a prerequisite the SLSEA has launched a number of countrywide awareness programs to apprise the public of renewable electricity and energy preservation, he said.

According to the SLSEA Chairman they have along with Sanasa Bank embarked on educating the 1.5 million of Sanasa members of which the majority are women on domestic level thrifty energy usage and electricity preservation.

He said that Steps are being taken to educate around 30,000 preschool teachers in the country regarding power and energy preservation concepts and techniques.
