Shortage of 6,000 teachers for A/L answer sheet evaluation activities | Page 5 | Sunday Observer

Shortage of 6,000 teachers for A/L answer sheet evaluation activities

14 March, 2023

Examination Commissioner General Amit Jayasundara said that there is a shortage of 6,000 more teachers for Advanced Level answer sheet evaluation activities. 

About 20,000 teachers are required for the answer script evaluation activities but only 13,000 teachers have applied for. Although the online application period for teachers to apply for the answer script evaluation was scheduled to end on the 8 of this month, the period was extended due to lack of applications. Accordingly, within a period of five days another 1,300 teachers have applied for answer script evaluation.

He said this yesterday (13) while participating in a press conference held at the Sri Lanka Examinations Department premises. He said that the daily stipend of Rs. 500 given for the evaluation of Advanced Level answer sheets has been increased to Rs. 2,000 under a special Cabinet approval but certain teachers have not yet applied due to the allegations made by some teacher trade unions that this stipend is insufficient.

He added that the A/L answer sheet evaluation activities have been delayed by three weeks by now and the Government has agreed to provide the stipend of Rs.2,000 to the teachers for the evaluation work. Around 3 million A/L answer sheets have been safely stored in the Examination Department and the answer sheets have been protected from insects by applying chemicals.

“Although the A/Level examination ended on February 17 and the evaluation of answer sheets was scheduled to begin on February 22, due to the inability to start the activities until now, there is a risk of delaying the oncoming examinations including the Ordinary Level Examination and Advanced Level Examination to be held this year,” he said.

He added that the evaluation of answer sheets will last for about six weeks and the online recruitment of teachers for these evaluations has been done since last October. He stated that until the year 2020, only an allowance was paid on the answer sheets that were marked, and in addition to the allowance given for the number of marks on the answer sheets, the payment of a daily fee was started from the year 2020 and a daily allowance was started due to the Covid epidemic. He said that the evaluation inspectors will receive a higher fee compared to the previous years and that the amount of Rs. 62,050 received by a Chief Inspector who is engaged in evaluation work for 12 days has increased to Rs. 101,600 for this entire work. An Additional Chief Inspector received Rs. 52,250 to Rs. 90,270 and an Assistant Inspector received Rs. 36,725 to Rs.60,475.

For science subjects, Rs.64,550 previously received by a Chief Inspector has been increased to Rs.106,506, Rs.59,900 given to an Additional Chief Inspector has been increased to Rs.95,946 and the amount given to an Assistant Inspector has been increased from Rs.44,199 to Rs.64,460.

He said that there has been a remarkable increase in these allowances and that such an increase in a country facing economic difficulties is a work to be appreciated.

Education Secretary Nihal Ranasinghe and other officials participated in the event.



