Another deadly Earthquake in the Turkey and Syria | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Another deadly Earthquake in the Turkey and Syria

21 February, 2023

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake have sttuck Turkey - Syriyan border leaving at least three dead, just a few weeks after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake which claimed the lives of more than 44,000 people and devastated the region.

More than 680 people have been left injured and more builds have been damaged from the tremors.

According to Reuters, Turkish rescue teams were running around on foot after the latest quake to check on residents, most of whom were living in temporary tents after the tremors two weeks ago.

According to Aljazeera, the quake hit the city of Defne at 8:04pm (17:04 GMT) and was strongly felt in Hatay’s nearby capital of Antakya and in Adana, 200km (300 miles) to the north. It was followed by several aftershocks.
