Interim order suspending APIT tax on judges extended by the CA | Sunday Observer

Interim order suspending APIT tax on judges extended by the CA

21 February, 2023

Judicial Service Officer’s Association filed a petition in court challenging the new tax introduced by the government which imposes a 6% to 36% tax on salaries which exceed Rs. 100,000 a month. Following which the court issued an interim order against the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) against the collection of the APIT tax from the judges on 25 January. The order was extended on 09 February when the matter was taken up for discussion until the matter is supported in court. Basis of the petition is that it is a violation of the constitution to decrease the salaries of the judges and that judges are not employees as defined in the Section of the IRD Act.

Today (21 February) Court of Appeal has further extended the interim order suspending the collection of APIT (Advanced Personal Income Tax) tax on the salaries of the judges until the 24 February.

Order was issued by a Court of Appeal bench consisting of Justice Sobitha Rajakaruna and Justice Dhammika Ganepola.

