President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday pledged to prioritise the country’s economic recovery while ensuring that law and order is maintained to prevent anarchy.
The President made a commitment to restore the country’s economy and establish a functioning democratic society before the end of this year.
He was speaking at the ‘Imagine’ 32nd Rotary District Conference in Colombo. The President stressed the importance of economic recovery and improving the citizens’ quality of life. He affirmed that all Government decisions would be based on these priorities.
President Wickremesinghe said that democracy depends on the maintenance of public order which requires law and order. He underscored that without these essential components, democracy would be replaced by anarchy. He said that he would do his utmost to prevent such a scenario from occurring.
He said that following the country’s economic recovery, next year it would be in a position to decide on the future it wants, with the use of the ballot.
The President lauded Rotary District 3220 for its invaluable assistance during past crises, such as the anti-polio campaign, 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, and medicine shortages.
In a separate message issued to mark Maha Shivarathri, President Wickremesinghe urged all Sri Lankans to strengthen their relationships and work towards overcoming the challenges that the country is facing.
The President said that together, all Sri Lankans can build a prosperous Sri Lanka marked by peace and harmony.
The President’s message: “On this occasion, I wish to extend my blessed best wishes to all Hindu devotees who are celebrating this auspicious festival with great devotion.
This day holds special significance for Hindus, the world over as they commemorate the sacrifice that Lord Shiva had made to free all living beings from suffering.
“On this day, devotees fast all night with the intention of removing darkness and spreading light. By observing this fast and performing other rituals, it is believed that it could help develop peace, harmony and equality among one another.
“As a nation, we cannot move forward without mutual respect and trust in each other.
Therefore, let us use this occasion to strengthen our relationships and work towards overcoming the challenges that our country is facing. I am confident that the lamps lit on this day of Maha Shivarathri will bring brightness and prosperity to our nation.”